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*a fair warning, this entire chapter focuses on Tom and Tord's relationship. the plot will continue in the next chapter.*


There was a moment of pure silence that filled the house. Tord had almost begun to regret knocking, a feeling of burning guilt floating up in his chest. 

Then a sharp grunt came from the other side of the door. "Go the hell away." Tord heard Tom hiss. The Norwegian let out a sigh and knocked again.

"Tom, please. It's just me." He begged, his voice sounding strained. It was the same voice Tord used when he was tired, or just in need of a hug. 

Tom noticed Tord's tone. There was shifting from the Brit's room and the faint click of his door unlocking. His footsteps echoed in Tord's ears before Tom spoke again; the boy had gone back to his bed. 

"Fine. Come in." Tord smiled softly at Tom's compliance. He let out a sigh and put his hand on the knob. "Just lock it behind you," Tom added as the door was opened. Tord gave him a quick nod before stepping in. He shut the door behind him and locked it, going to his supposed lover to sit next to him. 

Tord cleared his throat and turned his head to look Tom in the eyes. "Are you okay? Do you need to talk, or something?" He asked, mentally slapping himself for asking something so stupid. Something was wrong with Tom, and that was apparent. 

The boy's entire demeanor had changed in less than a day, and it was concerning to Tord. Tom's hair had become disheveled, his eyes looked emptier than normal, and his voice had even become raspy compared to the previous hour. The Norwegian was just worried.

Tord let his hand travel to Tom's, subconsciously holding his relatively smaller hand tightly. He rubbed his thumb over the Brit's soothingly. "Just talk to me, Thomas. You can trust me, I swear." Tord promised, no dishonesty in his words. Tom's eyes lowered, almost closing completely. Tord watched as the smaller man began tearing up in front of him, and began panicking. 

"Goddammit, Tord. There's nothing to fucking say." Tom sniffed and fell forward, pressing his face into Tord's red sweatshirt. "I just want to be able to tell you I love you- just fucking once- and hear you say it back. And because I fucking wimped out when I had the chance, that's not happening anytime soon."

The panic was quickly spreading through Tord's body, hearing how remorseful and shaky Tom's voice was. "I'm so sorry, Tom. I wish that I could recall us... I do." The Norwegian whispered, his eyes flickering around nervously. He shifted himself around so that he was facing Tom. Tord slipped his arms around the Brit's waist and pulled him up onto his lap. He rested his chin on Tom's shoulder and rubbed his partner's back gently. "I'm so sorry."

Tom's face had blushed slightly, a light pink dusting his round cheeks. He moved his legs to wrap them around his lover's waist, keeping himself close. "It's okay, Tord." The smaller boy sighed, a few warm tears falling down his cheeks. Tom put his arms around Tord's chest and held him tightly. "It's just disappointing." 

Tord took a second to think. This felt almost like a fairytale to him. Tom was like a prince, yearning for his true love, and Tord was the princess who was locked away and in an eternal slumber. Except, instead of him being asleep, his memories were stripped away, leaving him half of the man he was before. But if this was a fairytale, how was the 'curse' on him supposed to be lifted? It made barely any sense to the Norwegian, but he was determined to solve it. How did Prince Charming always solve the problem that plagued him and his love?

A few feeble seconds passed before it clicked in Tord's mind. He moved his hands from Tom's back and instead placed them on the Brit's hips. "Tom, I know I've kind of forgotten a lot of important things, but…" He began trailing off, nervousness creeping up in his voice. Both of their faces had begun shifting pink as Tord leaned in rather close. He pressed his forehead to Tom's and sighed. The Norski could feel Tom's quick breath against his lips, as they were incredibly close at thIs point.

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