online school

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hiya! i'm back! it's been over a year, but my stress has been getting higher and my ability to go into littlespace has fluctuated over the past year. i'm now finally starting to feel comfortable enough again, so i figured i'd update this! (>o<)  (*u*)


remembering to keep up wif my classes is difficult and its sooo tiringgguh. i used to take short sleepy naps, but now i cant bc im down with my dad for school now bc i wasnt doin too good. probly cause of m'naps.

but im doin better now! :D i only have a little bit left to catch up on. ive even got a white board wif coo colours! and my stepmom made me move all my this year papers into a really HUGE binder. its like, 3 inches big.

so yeah! im back! and hopefully not just this book but my oder ones too!

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