I Want Love

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Why is it

That every man I want

Every eye catching prize

Every drop dead gorgeous man

That makes my heart race

That makes me feel like one in a million

That makes me want to spend every waking moment with him

That gives me chills every time our eyes lock

And makes me want to run in his arms

And reside there forever

Why is it

That I am never blessed with one?

When I actually like someone

For who they are not just their looks

Something always gets in the way

To where it can't be

To where I am forced to accept rejection

And cry alone

Hoping to be saved with love

I just want what other people have

I want to be able to kiss

To do things

And be there for him

To feel safe in someone's arms

Knowing that he feels the same

Why me

Why am I forsaken

It's like I will never find

The one thing

That will truly

Bring me happiness

And make me feel whole

I want love

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