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Rubidium has been in Techno Reef for a while, but hasn't attended any raves yet. She thought they were too loud and that she couldn't cope with it, and that's saying something since Dubstep concerts were actually quite loud, but she never attended any after she randomly burst into tears during her first concert at the age of eight.
Today, however, she decided to suck it in and come to this rave. They looked really fun and everyone seemed to have a very nice time during them. Rubid decided to invite her Dubstep friend, girlfriend and see if her only Techno friend can come too. Trollex hasn't met them yet so Rubid thought that after the rave they could properly meet and greet, since Trollex will actually be too busy DJing to come down into the audience for a bit. He was also in charge of making sure that everything ran smoothly.
Before the rave officially started, Trollex went up to Rubid.
"If it gets too much, you don't need to tell me," he said. "Just leave and breathe for a bit. If you don't want to come back, that's absolutely fine, we'll still do everything we had planned afterwards; it've changed nothing, okay?"
Rubidium had taken these words to heart and gave him a big squeeze.
"Ooh, thank you!" she said, squeezing him really hard.
"Rubid... i can't... breathe!"
"Sorry," said Rubid, letting him go.

lmao if you thought you were getting a rave im sorry anyway time skip

Rubidium, Trollex and a Dubstep all swam back to the LED castle to have a sit down and relax after the rave because it really drained them.
After swimming through the double doors into the lit throne room, both Rubid and Trollex slumped onto the floor in exhaustion; they didn't pass out, they just didn't have the energy to continue swimming. Their mum, Venice, swam in because she had heard their voices since they were quietly talking and Rubid had made a weird sound when she fell onto the floor. Venice smiled at her two children then noticed the Dubstep who was still afloat. He awkwardly smiled and waved. Rubid sat up to notice the staring contest. She decided to break the silence.
"Mum, this is Amdrix," she said, pointing to them in turn. Trollex heard her speak and also sat up.
Venice had a condition where she could speak very little, so she just nodded.
She pointed towards a hallway which were where the chambers were. If you looked closely at the three, Rubid had bags under her eyes, Trollex could barely keep himself up and Amdrix was just a little sleepy. Having fun is exhausting.
Venice made a square motion with her hands. Amdrix stared blankly at the motion, but Trollex immediately knew what she was saying and asked, "where is he?"
"Hi!" said Beat, poking himself around a corner which was where the dining area was. Seii bobbed out too and waved with his circle of a paw. Rubid did a small wave back.
Trollex did a massive yawn. Beat swam over to him and pushed himself into Trollex's arms, then Trollex started to swim down into the bedroom hallway. Everyone else followed suit. Outside their respective chambers, they all called goodnight to each other then shut their doors. Rubid had taken Synth's room temporarily while Amdrix and Trollex had their own separate rooms.
They all shouted goodnight to each other and went into their own assigned rooms.

knock, knock.
Amdrix struggled to get himself awake. Someone was knocking at his door. Softly, but enough for him to hear it. He turned around and said quietly, "hello?"
"It's King Trollex," came the reply. "I've come to ask you something."
Amdrix was not expecting Trollex to come here at around two o'clock in the morning, asking for something.
"What is it?" he asked politely.
Small silence. There was a little bit of light coming in from the door, and Trollex himself radiates light, so Amdrix could just about see him. He looked embarrassed.
"Here's the thing..." said Trollex. "I-I don't feel... safe, if you know what i mean..."
If his arms were free, he'd be fidgeting with his hands. Now, they were holding Beat and Beat was looking up at Trollex in disapproval.
"I was gonna ask, can i sleep with you?" Trollex finished.
Amdrix thought about this for a moment. He's never shared a bed with anyone, but Trollex was scared and he had the courage to ask Amdrix instead of crying into his pillow. Amdrix's fins suddenly perked up; he had an idea.
"Sure you can, your Majesty," he said.
"'Trollex' is fine, thank you."
Amdrix went over to the cupboard where extra pillows were and took two. He then placed them right in the middle of the bed, one next to to the other.
Trollex and Amdrix sat down on their sides of the bed and lied down. Amdrix had put one of his hands on the pillow wall, and Trollex decided to hold it. This was a little hard, considering his hand was shaking. Amdrix noticed and sat up a little to face Trollex. He was trying so hard not to cry, but he was so embarrassed this was impossible.
Amdrix then let go of his hand and discarded the two extra pillows and gestured to Trollex to come closer. When he did, Amdrix put his head by his chest and wrapped his arms around him. Trollex could hear the mad thumping of Amdrix's heart, and his own was thumping too.
Trollex could feel his eyes starting to droop as a wave of tiredness washed over him. He nuzzled Amdrix's chest and fell asleep. Amdrix watched him, smiling. He then fell asleep, his fins curling around them both.

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