Little do you know, this won't be the last you see of your father.

You disappear into the nursery, batting around a mossball.

Six moons later...

Shiningsky half-heartedly licks you and your siblings. Maybe it's because she knows that, if things had gone different, Liongaze would have been a loving father and he would still be a warrior of ThunderClan. Or maybe she's just tired. You aren't sure.

"I can't believe we're being made apprentices!" Hawkkit chirps.

Spottedkit nods. "This is awesome!"

"And we'll get to share a den with Sparrowpaw!" you blurt. (He had become an apprentice the moon before.)

Spottedkit stares at you. "Why do you care?"

You have no idea. Was it really you who said that? Uh-huh, you tell yourself. "Um. He's nice?" you try, but your siblings have that stupid look on their face.

"Kits, kits," Shiningsky scolds. "Calm down. Darkstar's about to call a Clan meeting for your apprentice ceremony."

Despite her scolding, all three of you squeal in delight.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!"

You tumble out of the nursery and screech to a halt under the Highrock. Hawkkit and Spottedkit chatter excitedly beside you.

"Three kits are ready to become apprentices....Hawkkit, step forward."

Hawkkit takes a deep breath and waits.

"Hawkkit, you have reached the age of six moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From now on you shall be known as Hawkpaw. Your mentor will be Sunflight." The golden tom steps up and touches noses with your brother. "Sunflight, you have been trained well by Acorndawn, and you have shown yourself to be level-headed and wise. I expect you to pass on all you know to Hawkpaw."

Hawkpaw smiles brightly.

Spottedkit is next. "Spottedkit, you shall now be known as Spottedpaw. Firetooth will mentor you." The bulky tom pads up to Spottedpaw and touches his muzzle to the top of her head.

"Lightkit," Darkstar booms, and you almost jump. You race up, staring at him eagerly.

"I will mentor you myself, and you shall be known as Lightpaw."

He touches noses with you, and you feel a jolt of excitement.

Suddenly, you hear a battle cry.

You whip around to see ShadowClan barging through the thorn barrier! In their midst, you smell something familiar....

Do you...

Ignore the smell and fight? (7.)


Investigate? (8.)

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