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You squeeze through. You can feel Spottedpaw's fur against yours as you step out into the open. The warriors are too busy chattering to notice the four of you sneaking out.

Suddenly you hear Silverfeather shrieking. "They're getting away!"

Your eyes widen and you race away, Sparrowpaw at your side. Hawkpaw and Spottedpaw and close behind, but Silverfeather is catching up to them. You gasp as she grabs Spottedpaw. Sparrowpaw dives after her, screaming, "Spottedpaw! Spottedpaw!"

You tug at Silverfeather's tail, trying to unsteady her and make her lose her grip. She growls and shakes you off. Lionstar emerges from his den and his eyes widen. "How did they get out?"

"I'm not sure," Silverfeather grunts, holding Spottedpaw higher. She shrieks. "Help me!"

"Pathetic apprentice!" Lionstar hisses, swiping at her muzzle. He beats her around like a leaf wobbling in the wind. You want to run at Lionstar and drive him off, but you know that if you even tried he'd kill you with a single blow.

Sparrowpaw brushes against you, hissing at Lionstar. Hawkpaw tries to loosen Silverfeather's grip, but she knocks him down and a golden tom grabs him. The two cats lumber away into Lionstar's den. Your father attempts to grab you, but you duck and twist. You race away and Sparrowpaw zooms after you.

Once you are back in camp, you wonder whether you should go rescue your siblings or wait till dark...

Rescue them now? (15.)


Wait till dark? (16.)

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