Intro (prt 1 kinda)

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 Izuku was your average teenager  you might say from afar, heck even up close he might  still look normal.  Its not until you try and study what kind of person Izuku is really that you will notice something is ... off.   Izuku never really talked to people unless spoken to, he is always squinting his eyes his left eye more then his right,  He slightly flinches  when you walk to close to him,  his smile is ... to big it looks almost forced, and then you have to ask yourself "how the hell did he get to Ua hes not really the fighter type". but all of this will go right past the normal eye... except of course Aizawa 

And that's how Aizawa found himself on his 12th cup of coffee of the day sitting behind his desk trying to find Izuku midoriya's report

" Damn it " Aizawa said while slamming his fist into a mountain of papers "where the hell could it be!, it cant just not exist!" when Aizawa finally looked up he noticed something he hadn't before a picture of a green head boy with deep blue eyes smiling with his parents. the boy in the picture looked about 3 years old. "well problem child" Aizawa said sheeply " looks like I figured out something in your labyrinth of secrets"

 ok this is author chan here this is kinda of a  insight to the future, I will either get the next chapter out today or by tomorrow, I  am really sorry that this chapter was so short but i will try to get a longer chapter out for the official 1st chapter.  goodbye and remember to cherish your coffee.

labyrinth of secretsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin