Not this guy again!!

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It was my weekend off. I love it when I have a whole weekend off. I make some tea, and lounge around, reading and writing. My brother knew how much I loved weekends. He always said I look like my normal self on the weekends. Before we get into the story of how my brother ruined my weekend, we're going to talk a little bit about my past. My name is Toshiko Ginoza. I'm twenty five this year. Three years ago, I was an inspector with the MWPSB's West Tokyo office. That's when my team and I found him. His name was Shogo Makishima, and he was completely obsessed with me. To get my attention, he began murdering innocent people. About six months after we'd met, Makishima offered me a deal. If I were to leave work, and drop all communication with everyone I knew and went to live with him, he would never commit another crime again. He was a criminal with no crime coefficient. I couldn't trust him. Another seven months after that, I was transfered to Division One. My brother's Division. My brother and I hadn't talked in three years because of a stupid fight about who really deserved a job with the MWPSB. Things were rough for the first couple of weeks, but eventually, I started getting along with everybody. Everything was great! Until Makishima showed up again. When next I saw him, he had my friend Akane's best friend chained to a railing, with his razor to her neck. That's when I agreed to go. Well, after making a few conditions of my own. I was allowed to keep contact with the people that I loved, but I wasn't allowed outside. But the murders stopped, and it's not like I was kept in some dark, dirty room. I had free reign all over the lovely house. There was a huge library, and a music room, plus, I had my own bedroom for a while. That was before. I don't know exactly how it happened. I don't know how I could fall in love with such a monster, but I did. Things were fantastic. I could leave the house whenever I wanted, and then I could come home to the man I loved. I wanted nothing more in the world than for things to stay like that forever. Of course, things change. I went to visit my brother one day. We had tea and shot the breeze, until it was time for me to go. That was the day I left. That was the day I stopped feeling alive. I walked into the house like I always did, hanging up my coat, and venturing into the living room. Shogo was on top of another girl. Shirtless. I went back to my old apartment. And my old life. Something's been missing ever since. But on the weekends, I can drown myself in forien worlds, go on endless adventures while never leaving the comfort of my apartment. That's why I love weekends. I forget everything that happened to me, and I'm happy, even if it's only for a little while. So when my brother came knocking on my door on Saturday, you can say I wasn't happy in the least. "Someone had better be dying!" I sang as I opened the door. "Lots of people are dying, and we need your help." Nobuchika said quietly, in fear of getting yelled at. I groaned loudly, and stomped back into my room. I angrily got dressed, and grabbed my bag. After slipping on my flats, I went back out into the living room, where Nobu sat on my couch, looking guilty as hell. This wasn't just about ruining my weekend. There was something bigger going on here. I left it alone, of course. I'm never really one to push. Instead, I piped up, and let my brother take me into work. As we neared the office that we all share, Nobu started to get a little antsy. He stopped me before I could walk in the door. "Tosh, you are my sister, and I only want what's best for you. I don't want you to get angry at me, because I was completely against this. And if it wasn't for our lack of manpower, and the difficulty of this case, none of this would be happening." I've never seen my brother look so horrified in my life. So I nodded, for his sake. I had no idea what I was about to walk into. But I was not expecting that. The metal door slid open, and I walked over toward my desk, before stopping dead in my tracks.

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