Sick Days, Pizza, and Bestie Time!

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I spun around, and dropped to my knees. I'm a talented girl, and I know how to treat a gunshot wound. I took off my jacket, and pressed it to his wound. Quite by chance, it had gotten him dead in the heart. Though I may have been pissed at him for everything he did to me, I was not about to let him die. "Tosh! Shogo! Where are you?!" That sounded like Nobuchicka. "We're over here!" I screamed, with big fat tears running down my face. "Where?" My brother shouted back. "Marco!" I shouted. "Polo!" They were getting closer. "Marco!" Shogo's heartbeat started getting faint, and I freaked out. "Polo!" I was running out of time. "Marco!" Their footsteps got closer and closer, until finally they were there. "Holy shit." My dad said softly. Everyone was staring at my arms. "That's not important now. Call a medical unit, and help me get him outside." I sniffled. Luckily, all drones are equipped to hold a collapsible stretcher in them. "Toshy, you're gonna have to move." Nobu said quietly. "I can't. My finger is plugging the bullet hole. If I move before we're in a more stable environment, Shogo will die. You have to get me on the stretcher with him." I explained carefully. One wrong move, and his heart would stop beating around my finger. It took quite a bit of careful moving, but we eventually got outside, where the medical unit was waiting for us. Thankfully, Nobu had given me his coat so none of the doctors saw my arms. After I was taken into the O.R. The doctor had me remove myself, so he could fix Shogo. I stuck around long enough to make sure he was okay, before going back to my apartment, changing, and heading back to the MWPSB. Where I was violently scolded, and lectured about the state of myself. Don't get me wrong here, harming myself was one of the worst decisions I'd ever made. I deserved the pain I inflicted on myself, or, that's what I was thinking when I did it, anyways. Fading, pink scars were all over the in, and outside of my arms. The lecturing lasted a good hour and a half. I'd convinced everyone that I was over everything, and that I was just fine. They reluctantly believed me. "I really hate to ask, but, could you guys please not tell anybody about this?" I think they picked up my drift. Well, for the most part. After that, we discused our preventive measures against Aki. And so it was decided that for the benefit if everyone, we would all be living in the MWPSB. I'd be bunking with Kagari, Akane with Yayoi, Nobuchicka with Kogami, and when Shogo was better, he'd be staying with daddy. Everyone got a roommate and no one was happy about it. But what are you gonna do? Considering my head injury, I took a sick day. I used the time I had to go home and pack up the nessicaties. Clothes, all the books I owned, toothbrush, and my diaries. I have like seven, don't laugh at me. Kagari was a bit upset when he realized that living with me meant living with my books, but he got over it eventually. After I'd finished my unpacking, everyone was already back to work. I found this as the perfect opportunity to go bug Karanomori. She has the magic fingers that can get into hospital cameras so I can snoop a little. I walked into the lab and she laughed, "Say no more, I know what you're here for." Karanomori set up the camera so I could see what was going on. Strangely enough, Kogami was in there, having a conversation with Shogo. That raised a few red flags for me. "Can we get audio feed on this?" I asked quietly. With the tap of a few keys, we got sound. "... Not doing this for you, I'm doing this for Tosh, got it?" What the fuck is Ko talking about? "I understand." Kogami took a deep breath before beginning. "She's alright most of the time, you know? But sometimes, someone will say something, or a melody plays, and Tosh isn't here anymore. She looks like she's a million miles away. When it rains, she goes and sits on the roof, humming a tune while she catches her death. That's the most I can tell you." Why? Why would Kogami do something like that? "Thank you. Is there anyone who could tell me more?" Shogo asked near silently. I think they weren't pumping him full of enough pain meds. "You might try calling Kagari, Tosh talks to him about a lot of stuff." With that Kogami left, and a few minitues later, Kagari walked in. "Traitors!" I shrieked. "Lemme guess, you want info on how Tosh is, right?" Kagari said, leaning against the wall by the door. "Yes." I swear to god, if Kagari tells him anything I'll- "I don't know anything more that you do. If you really wanted to know, you'd have to rifle through her diary. It's voice activated, so, good luck with that." Kagari walked back out, and Karanomori switched off the screen. "My condolences to your sanity." She said, offering me a cigeratte, which I took gratefully. "Yeah, thanks." I took a big drag. "Maybe I should just drop this and start dating chicks." I sighed. "Trust me, we're much worse." Karanomori laughed, ushering me towards the door. "Shogo should be fully healed my tomorrow, so you can yell at him then." I waved in her general direction, and went back up to Kagari's place to read for a while. Might as well make my sick day last. I made my way completely through Hamlet, and halfway through A Midsummer Night's Dream, before Kagari came up. "How was your shift?" I asked, not putting my book down. "It was okay. What are you in the mood for tonight? Your pick." I put down Shakespeare and went into the kitchen. "I want... Pizza!" I squeaked, coming off as a six year old girl. "Pizza it is. But if you want it homemade, you're going to have to go get yeast from Masoka." Kagari started getting the rest of the stuff he would need for dinner. I slid on my slippers, and made my way across the hall. I didn't bother knocking, I never do. I just walked in and stole the yeast out of my dad's cabinet. "Making pizza again?" Dad asked, not submerging from his painting. "Yup." I replied. "Save me a slice." I giggled, knowing that there would be none left. "Aye, aye captain!" I saluted my dad, and went back across the hall. "I was thinking we could make two pizzas! One for today, and one for tomorrow." I laughed. That's what Kagari says now, in an hour, he'll try eating them both and failing miserably. "Yeah, okay. I'm gonna go put some music on." I grinned. This is why I love spending the night with Kagari, we make pizza, play video games, and chill on the couch, watching old t.v. shows. I love having a best friend.
"Aww man. There's still half a pizza left!" Kagari complained. "Don't forget about the dessert pizza we haven't even touched yet." I added. I think I gained five hundred pounds from that expierence. "Don't remind me." He complained. "I give up. I'm taking these over to dad." I tried to get up, but failed. "If you can stand." Kagari added. I stuck my tongue out at him, and put all the pizza into one box. "What are you, five?" He snickered. "No, I'm seven!" I retorted, before marching my fully pajamaed ass across the hall. I really wish I would have knocked. I waltzed right in, and put the pizza on the kitchen counter. "Daddy! I have food!" I called out. I thought he was just in his bedroom or something. "They were short handed downstairs, Maskoa went to help out." Oh, you are fucking kidding me. I looked down the hallway to my left and saw Shogo, shirtless, attempting to change his bandages, and failing. I sighed. Why the hell didn't I knock? "Sit, lemme do that." I said quietly. I should have knocked. Shogo complied with my order, and sat on the couch. It took me about ten seconds to get the old bandage off, and another minute to wrap the new gauze. It's easy when you're not doing it to yourself. "All better." I commented. The little asshole tried getting off the couch. "Nuh-uh. You keep your ass planted there for the rest of the night." I put all nessicaties on the coffee table. Water, food, books, ect. "Thank you." Shogo said, giving me the puppy eyes. "Yeah, yeah. If you bust a stitch, I'm kicking your ass." I said, before going back over to Kagari's. Sometimes, that man makes me want to shoot myself. When I got back, I explained to Kagari what had happened, he replied saying something about fate. I punched his arm and wallowed in my newly found, grumpy mood. "Aww, someone's pouty! What's gonna make it better, Black Butler?" My head perked up. I have a serious addiction to the old Anime version of Black Butler. -.- don't judge me. I squeaked, and face planted into the couch, with my butt still in the air. "Ah ha! Pick up where we left off?" I squeaked again in response. I sat up when I heard the tv click on. We weren't very far in, it was the episode where Ciel was trying to get the photo of Sebastian. Let's just say I wasn't the only fangirl in the room. After a couple episodes, Kagari went off to bed. Out if respect for my friend, I shut off the t.v. and journaled on the couch before shutting off the lamp and going to sleep.

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