Someone Kill Me

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Shogo Makishima was sitting at my desk, twirling one of my purple pens and looking at the big screen in front of me. Very luckily, his back was turned to me, so I still had time to escape. Except I couldn't. My feet refused to move, just like my lungs refused to breathe. Kagari was sitting at his desk, which was right next to me, and Akane was up at the big screen, showing pictures and talking about something. Kogami and daddy weren't in here. This is for work. I told myself. This is for the protection of Japan and it's citizens. My foot moved forward, and I made my way up to the big screen. "Akane, could you please tell my why my beautiful weekend was so rudely interuppted?" I asked snidely. I was not in the mood. At all. "Yes right, of course." Over the next fifteen minutes, I was told all the facts of the case. "So, what you're telling me is, this guy isn't even picked up by the scanners?" I asked in pure astonishment. "That's correct." Akane answered. "Alright, let's get to work then." I stated, turning on my heel and walking over to Nobuchika. "There is a twenty five percent chance that the scanner that picked up Aki Shibuya is broken. I'm going to go take a look, when I get back, I want a fresh pot of coffee, and my desk back." I said quietly. He gave me a sympathetic look, "Alright, but take Kagari. No one is allowed to go out alone." I mentally face palmed. I wanted to go out alone, but whatever. Kagari is my best friend, so this wouldn't be a total disaster. I was thankful that my ginger, partner in crime, waited until we were in the car to make sure I was okay. "Are you alright?" He asked quietly. I shook my head and let the tears fly out. "No." I sobbed, and hugged my knees to my chest. Kagari pulled me over into his seat, and held me while I cried. As much as I would have liked to do that on my own, it was good that Kagari was there. God knows I might've done something stupid without his presence. When we arrived, I called Miss Karanomori. "I need you to get into the street scanner on fifth." I stated, trying not to let my mind wander to other things. "I'm in. Loving that top by the way." I smiled, despite the pain I felt. "Is it picking us up okay?" I asked, pulling Kagari into the view of the scanner. "You're at zero, and Kagari is at two sixty. It seems to be working fine." Dammit! "Alright, thanks anyway." I hung up, and got back in the car. This time, Kagari and I didn't talk. Leaving my thoughts to wander. Shogo had looked good. A little tired from what I could see, but good all the same. The whole time Akane was explaining what was up, he was staring at me. I don't know why, and I don't care to either. Okay, that last part was a lie, and working with him is going to kill me. I was just starting to get better. One year later, and I'm only just starting to get better. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. I submerged from my thoughts, and went back inside with Kagari. When I got back into the office, my desk was empty, and everything was the way I'd left it. Shogo sat across the room, at one of the spare desks, far away from mine. Thankfully. I plopped down in my spinny chair, and started listing case facts on a document. Aki wasn't asymptotic, as far as the Sybil System goes, he wasn't even human. But he murdered someone right in front of a street scanner. Something yummy smelling was suddenly placed right in front of me. A double shot mocha latte heavy on the whipped cream. There is one person kind evough to get me one of those babies. "Kogami, you are my hero!" I exclaimed, unable to detach myself from the computer. "Yeah, yeah. Keep up the good work." Ko sounded really sick. I looked up, and saw that he looked worse than he sounded. "Go upstairs and go to bed." I said firmly. Kogami never takes sick days. Ever. I have to force him to rest. "I'm fine, quit your fussing." He mumbled. I stood up and felt his forehead. It was so hot, it nearly burnt me. I wasn't about to take no for an answer, I walked around the other side, and dragged him out by his ear. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Ko shouted. "Get your ass up to bed, take a shower, I'll be up with chicken soup in an hour." I glared at him, until he agreed to go up to his room. After I'd pretty much grounded Kogami, I sat back behind my desk, and devoured my latte. That may have been one of the worst days of my life, but the latte was like the sun, shining down on me. Perfection.
When i finished up my work, I took a very pissy Kogami some chicken soup, and went home. It had been a really weird, really bad day, and it was only going to get worse. I hadn't even had a chance to hang up my coat and put up my bag before I was knocked out.

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