Deja Vù

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I vaguely remember being carried, and tied to a chair. When I woke up, I was tied up, and gagged. My surroundings were familiar. I was on an abandoned train. The same one that Yuki Kanahara was put onto before Kogami and I found her. It seemed to me that someone was recreating the crime. I tried to wiggle free from my tight bonds, but it was hopeless. I was tied to a chair, on an empty train where no one would ever find me. "I see you're awake. We'll just have to fix that." A manly voice said, before a dull pain hit the side of my head, and I was out again.
"Please be alive!" Was I dreaming? What wa happening? Consciousness slowly returned to me, and I remembered what had happened to me. My eyes fluttered open, to reveal Shogo kneeling in front of me, with a worried expression on his face. I hissed at the pain in my head, and brought my hand up to touch it. The bood was dry. I'd been down here for some time. "Thank God! What the hell happened to you?" I slowly stood up, and stood at the other side of the compartment. Taking a mental note that we were clearly moving. "I went home, and then someone knocked me out, and then I woke up here." I said quietly. That was the first thing I'd said to him in over a year. "Are you alright?" Shogo wouldn't look at me, and I wouldn't look at him either. "I think so." I mumbled. But then again, I am stuck on a train with you. I added in my head. An idea popped into my head, and I began frantically searching for my bag. When I found it, I tore into my little emergency box. It held two flashlights, and two pistols. Thank god I'm a genius! I tucked the one of the pistols into my pants, and used my flashlight to look for more potential weapons. "Where the hell did you get those?" Shogo asked. It was so dark, he probably didn't see me get my bag. "My bag." I answered shortly, before tossing him a gun and flashlight. The train abruptly came to a halt and the door flung open. I was not looking forward to what comes next. "We have a better chance if we stay on the train." Shogo said as I approached the door. "We're sitting ducks in here. I've done this before. Let's go." I stated quickly, before getting off. This really was the exact same place as before. The heavy metal door opened with a creak, and I went in. Though the place had been a crime scene, and was thoroughly cleaned, it looked the exact same. I waited for Shogo to catch up before stressing my thoughts. "You have a fan." I smirked to myself before continuing on. I had the way through this maze of torture memorized, so all I had to do was get us through alive. I heard a squeak from up ahead on the left. Left was the way out, but there was something down there. I froze in my tracks. It could be nothing, or it could very well be something. I held up two fingers, and motioned Shogo to stay on the right wall. I walked alongside the left one, until I came onto the turn. I quickly turned the corner to find that it was an overgrown rat. I shrieked and fell flat on my butt. Asshole of the year was laughing at me. Oh, so funny. "Would you quit laughing at me?" I asked in a faux pissed off tone. I couldn't help but laugh a little too. I mean, come on. I was scared of a rat! There was a loud bang down the right corridor, telling me we should get a move on. We were near the end of the maze, with about sixty more yards to go. We were going to make it just fine. Until a gunshot sounded, and Shogo fell to the ground behind me. No...

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