~When they get jealous~

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(it does not matter who is hitting on you- could be anybody of your choosing. the only exception is the Mimzy part.)


She will notice that some random demon keeps hitting on you. Feeling protective, she goes into her full demon form and threatens to break the random demon's bones. After the demon is scared off, she quickly goes back into her normal form and snuggles the heck out of you.

"You know- you didn't have to to that, cutie-pie. I can do that myself." You playfully say.

"Oh, i had to- they were making you uncomfortable, babe!" She giggles, booping your nose.

"Alright, you win." You sigh in defeat.


A idiot keeps trying to flirt with you- and is obviously doing a horrible job at it. Vaggie flings her spear in front of the idiot's face and shouts insults in Spanish, and overall threatens to have their head. When the idiot is gone, she smooches you on the lips and leaves. You are left trying to figure out what just happened, but by the time you decide to ask Vaggie, she is out of sight. Perhaps she went to the Hazbin Hotel.

Angel Dust

While attending one of Angel Dust's shows, a demon tells you that they want to "take you home", and even asks you what "size" you like. Angel notices this and kicks the demon in the head. You thank him, get on stage, and start passionately making out with him.

Yeah, Lets just say that Valentino was not happy that his little toy had a lover. Summer and Dia, on the other hand, were more than happy that Angel Dust was with someone they love.


You were chatting with someone after having lunch together. Little do you know is that the radio demon is watching you two from afar. Suddenly, he pops up and politely asks you to leave, to which you accept. When you leave, Alastor quickly erases the demon from existence. When you come back, you notice the demon is gone and ask him where the demon went, to which he says that they just went home.


Some rando pops in through a window, waving a oddly detailed love letter in your face. Husk sees this and throws his booze bottle at them, likely killing them. You stare at him with a confused expression, but he just grabs another bottle and chugs it.

"Don't mention it, squishy." He mumbles after he finishes his bottle.

"Why do you call me that-" You ask.


A demon pops in through the fireplace and tries kissing your hand, despite the fact you pull away. Niffty sees this, picks them up, walks out of the hotel, throws them in the dump, walks back in, and hugs your leg. You are still trying to figure out how she is so strong.


Some demon tries to grope your fanny. Thinking that you will end up with the demon (and forgetting he can demolish them), he just hides in the corner and silently sobs. You see this and go hug him, comforting him. Then you end up sleeping on his chest, doing soft snores. Baxter then splashes holy acid on the demon.


A idiot hits on you, and Crymini throws them a mile away. The idiot gets up and yells that they won't back down until you are theirs, with you rolling your eyes in disgust. Crymini responds with beating them to death and beheading them. You wash the blood off her. You two then agree to raid a drug store.


One of Mimzy's wolves licks your face flirtingly. Mimzy resorts by singing a sad song to get the wolf's attention off you, then throwing her mike at the wolf, knocking them out. You thank her by "taking her backstage~". Let's just say you both ended up on both 666 news and the p0rn studios.

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