Triplet Sisters

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Triplet sisters, causing me blisters
They irritate, ever awake, on my mind they grate
Flickers of light, seeds out of sight
Fairies running to and fro, be wary
Our focus from what we've chosen
Good wisdom and God's kingdom
They are chains to captivate us from true freedom
We fought for their attention
By living in pretension
Deceiving our Love, we thought it was real
But became bitter with resentment
In our hearts died the friendship
Friends, do you know these seeds
That are hidden within me?
Triplet sisters, they are known
Jealousy, coveting, and greed

Triplet sisters, you've given me blisters
A distraction of the irrational
You deceived into thinking
That my feet were sinking
But my heart has not been cleaned
It is threatened to collectin'
Pride's rottenness and reeking
So instead I will continue to break bread
My friends, whom I was deceived to believing
Our friendship had come to an end
What a fool was I, to accept these lies
But praise to my Savior
He showed me the veil behind
The whole time, it was Pride

Oh the headache, I can't seem to break
Can meek love, once suppressed
Again awake
To change my fate
I will give Him praise
For the friends He has given me
To the end of my days
Lifetime beyond to eternity forever
Together, we will enjoy
Without temptation to weather
Jealousy to covet
And covet to envy
Kills friends and makes us an enemy
An imposter who is a monster inside
Breathing out good things
From a rotting heart of lies
There is hope because of One
Who can see the inside
Those seeds of greed that were scattered and lost
While in Spirit we slept; the Enemy came and tossed
Seeds of the tares, we were unaware of them in the wheat
But God is Sovereign
Pride's plans will soon be in defeat

We desire their attention
But it's lies in pretension
To affect our affection
And draw us from His direction
Man was never meant to resent
His fellow man's love and fellowship
Desiring his attention and affection to feed
His selfishness, stomach, and greed
We were meant to be His servants
His love we don't deserve it
We didn't earn it
Yet He returned
Our blind selfishness and greed
With His grace and mercy

So to change the Flesh ways
We give Him praise
And call upon His grace
To wash our stains
The staining marks
On a redeemed heart
He set apart from the start
So when we see their affection
Seemingly, yet we see irrationally
Their attention towards another
Let's not resent our fellow brother
But love one another and await our turn
And not feed our heart's fires
Except to let these seeds burn

Spirit's fire purify in me
And wash away this jealousy
I want to Love; may I again be free
Coveting also; envy and greed
These triplet sisters are not of my kin
Often a parasite in my Flesh and skin
But God has determined
And He has promised
His Word does not return empty
But will fulfill and win

R.A.P (Reformed Artistic Poetry) from the PastΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα