Hope over War

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All we see is a world of pain
And a heart that struggles
Yet do you really realize what's going on above?
There's a bigger picture extending beyond this frame

A world full of pain
A heart covered in stains
May we be filled with Your peace
And not with our pride
No longer ignorant or walking blind
To the great work You're doing inside
Help us not to just see less than half of the picture
Overcome by despondent, despairing fever
Half of us see the Flesh and demons closely monitoring
The other half sees You in victory, riding forth, conquering
May we draw together
One Family, One Brethren
Iron to sharpen iron
Switch places to sound the trumpets
While the others sound the siren
For in our self-assured, narrow mind
Things are not what they seem
You Lord are working; You redeem
The Light is always stronger
Not always the unclean
Your love is ever present
This is a war and yet we're free
May we seek and long to see
How You're ever working, ever growing in us
The seed You planted and began
You are ever active in growing towards fulfilling
Though we're not aware
Your fire You're always fanning
Though we cannot sense it, God
You are there

We preach and we hear of rumors of war
Are you aware God is sovereign?
Remember, He is the Lord
All we ever think and see is the battle before and around
Surmise in the Light the display in the skies unseen
We think the darkness is dominant
Saving truth floundering in a sea of lies
Yet God you won us at the cross
We are Your Bride
By Your Resurrection, we've been made alive
Death is not our doom, in You we've inherited eternal life
Oh give us a distinction between Your peace
And our pride
To be protected by resting in You
Rather hidden in our shell
Hardened inside
We open our mouth wide because You promised
That You would fill it
Fulfill our ignorance by liberally giving us wisdom
We will be filled with Your praise
Let us raise His testimonies high above
Our weaknesses and enemies, His banner over us is love
He is infinite
He is the greatest
He is more than enough
Yes, Satan is prowling like a lion
Yet he's lying when he's trying to to show
That you're losing, you're dying
Just surviving; “You're not thriving”
That we're ever, forever
Endangered to sinning, the Flesh is winning
But these are lies to conceal God's victory, surrounding
His glory that is mounting in testimony to the skies
Nature and all things beautiful
Give praise to His name
God is the greatest Lion; He's reviving the weary soul
Yes, temptation is at our door
An indication that we're at war
Yet, His salvation is reigning over all
Father, You make us whole
Your salvation, joy, and power
Stands ready this hour
The darkness is not higher, You were prior
Before the world began
Victory is ever here, Lord, You're always near
We should not fear, though the mountains be moved
So we can prove that we're self-sustaining?
No, because You're alive and ever moving
Always working
Demons fly and flit about
But our God strikes fear when He goes forth with a shout
Sin may invent
The Flesh can pretend
But God's power and will is stronger
Because He's been around longer
He was before the world began
We have no reason or excuse to lose hope
Or doubt His promised plan
The prince's darts aimed at the heart
Will quench in the light of Your presence
This is our security, foundation, and weapon
Your Word, O God, is sharp
Though this world is full of struggle and pain
Your work of redemption is greater
You remain the same

This is our prayer, Lord
That You make us more aware of Your gifts
The beautiful and the fair
The wheat from the tares
Your promise is stronger than the battle we face
We embrace Your victory and joy
And we employ and rejoice
In the immovable assurance You have given us
Your peace to deliver the weak and defeat the Enemy
Those who seek You will not be put to shame
You remember our frame; we cling to Your name
We come to the Throne of Grace
And we commune with You face to face
Yes, I know, this is not a game that we're playing in
We're living on a battlefield, in a war with sin
But remember that the Flesh
Nor demons, but Christ, is our reigning Lord
His presence and joy is our immovable, untouchable strength
His truth, not darkness, makes our very essence; it is our sword
The fever of the Deceiver
Drugs of lies and shame intent to make us dope
Cannot penetrate the regenerate
And those who live
In His hope

R.A.P (Reformed Artistic Poetry) from the PastWhere stories live. Discover now