My First Rap Song

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This is my first rap song (without a tune)
I hope it will be here soon
I hope you enjoy it
And if there is truth, that you'll employ it
I had writer's block, but was inspired
And fired to trust in the Rock
I hope the words easily flow.
So here it goes...

There are friends of mine that I've tried to prove wrong
Now I will sing this with the words of this song
About how I use my treasures to measure myself better
Only to create pride's chains and these fetters
We measure each other by the look in each eye
Trying to bring our own answer to the question and reason “Why”
Our tone of voice, our way, our choice
While building an empire built with our joys
Pleasures, opinions, our thoughts and dominion
Dominion of the heart, we think apart from the Gospel
I tell you my friend, for I can't continue on to criticize
I am fed up with my bitterness, my anger, my lies
Of how I've been wronged, and how I am better
Now my experience, I write in the words of this letter

All my treasures are to point to Him
Not to buy off my pride and my sin
My credentials and my gifts are not my essentials
What is essential, is that they point to Him
Raising the Bronze-Serpent
That all might see and live

So I can rest upon Him, the truth; that's all I need; that's my proof
That if I lay aside my pride, and let His Spirit deep inside
I humble myself by His grace; that I may be lifted (Shine down Your face)
I enter in that I might find help in time of need in this place
So Lord, help undo those weeks, months, or years
Redeem and wipe away these bitter thoughts and tears
I set You as a seal upon my arm and on my heart
This World, I want and choose to keep myself apart

So I choose, not to think what man thinks about me
But rather about the One, who alone can truly see
My problems, integrations, struggles, and heart meditations
I look to Him and lift Him up, for He alone is my salvation

I can't use myself
I can't use my credentials
My gifts I cannot use to excuse for how I live
My strength, my will, I cannot establish my case
Only God, can I lift up to follow His way
And defend my place

Deliver me; I look to You
Deliver me; I look to You
I see, I believe
I cling onto You
Deliver me
Deliver me
Your will, Your strength, Your plans, Your opinion, (The Truth) Your love
That's all I'll ever need

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