The Daily Summons

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A/N: Just gonna let everyone know that it'll be done in P.O.V.s!! I just find it much easier X3 Hope you guys enjoy and leave comments and rate so I know your opinions and such! :D Also in each chapter I'll add a photo of one of the characters! First one is Ethna! (Also not going by the charts and stats in the photos. Only using it for visual referance for characters)

Ethna's P.O.V.


Wow if that couldn't be any more loud. I get that it's a big deal since I'm not a common monster but jeez, calm down. I look down at my clothing, barely anything. I feel so exposed and it's disgusting. Standing on the summoning plate feels cold now that I'm not gonna use it again. I pick up my large sythe that was summoned with me and started over to the living quarters where a water type fairy and fire type hellhound sit chatting about their levels.

There are plenty of other monsters wandering around and I have a feeling I'll unfortunately have to meet them later. The fairy notices me and waves to me. I really don't feel like socializing just yet. I drag my sythe as I pass her with a blank expression. I look into the building at the elaborate floor plan. Bunk beds in rows going 50 yards down. I pick the bottom bunk of the far right bunk bed. The farther away from everyone the better. I don't want anyone distracting me from my goal; to awaken and become a 6 star monster. Right now I'm at 4 so I'm not too far off but it'll take lots of fighting. Nothing will come between my plans.

Cassandra's P.O.V.


Oh my goodness! I don't wait a minute as I burst off of the summoning plate. I see a fairy walking from the living quarters with a pout on her face.

"Is something the matter?" She looks up at me and immediately smiles. "Oh not at all! It's nice to meet you!"

 I pat her on the shoulder and smile but suddenly regret it as my warm hand sizzles against her skin. Water and fire don't mix. She says farewell and I rush to get to the living quarters. I want to meet the rest of the people I'll be living with from now on. It's barren in the building since everyone is out enjoying the day, but I notice a hell lady all alone at the other end of the building polishing her sythe. I start walking over to her but halt when she looks toward me. She glares at me but I notice her gaze soften. I relax and continue over to her.

 "Hi there! I'm Cassandra!" I give her a big smile; trying to make a good impression. She stands up from her bed and gets closer to me. Her eyes are blank. "How many stars are you?" I raise my eyebrow. Is that really what she cares about? "Umm I'm a 4 star.." She sticks her hand out to me, "My name is Ethna. It's nice to meet you." She grins as I reach my hand out to shake her hand. Maybe she isn't as bad as I thought.

Ethna's P.O.V.

All I know is that Cassandra needs to be on my team. I know what she can become once she awakens.

"Come on, I hear there will be another summon today!"

She already reaches the door before I even get a chance to move. As I get outside I notice everyone has surrounded the summoning plate. It's magic glow was stronger than mine when I was summoned. Sparks were flying everywhere as the glow turned from blue to purple to white. Every monster was cheering and hollering, even Cassandra was in awe at the event. I push my way through the crowd to get to her at the front of the action. A form began to show on the platform just slightly; then finally a blinding light.

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