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"You will find Fairy Godmother and you will find her magic wand," Maleficent plopped onto an office chair that was near a big window behind her that stretched to the ceiling of the giant castle she called her home,"Easy peasy."

Everyone started rambling on but my mind went to other places. It couldn't have been a coincidence that I'd become this kid who was destined for something great. Caleb knew. Or maybe he didn't and it was just my mind overthinking as always.

The villains were here when we walked in including Jay's dad, Jafar.

Jafar was a pretty crazy dude who definitely had some sort of trust issues going on..he always told me to never trust anyone and to always fend for yourself. Then he proceeded to tell me my worth was from stealing things for him to stock his store.

I often thought about how sad Jay's life is and how lonely he must've felt all the time. But watching the rest of the villain kids made me realize that Jay didn't have it the worst in the slightest.

Carlos..now he was the one who deserved a better life. His mom was the most mentally insane person I had ever met and I dealt with Caleb for years.

I noticed the way she barked at him to do her chores and to go do her dirty work and I couldn't help but ask myself...why was he still here? Couldn't he try his hardest to leave? Maybe go stay with someone else until his mom realized there was no use in bringing him home?

But as I watched the way Carlos looked up to her, the way he always enjoyed her "encouraging" words and nicknames like "pet" or "good boy" (but whenever she used these, she would ruffle his hair or pet his cheeks and it was weird, I don't know how he didn't realize that she saw him more as a dog than a human), and I realized that he loved her. Even if she didn't love him.

He saw her as his saving grace, his knight in shining armor. If only he knew that love wasn't being treated like an animal.

"Well, Jay can't go either! He needs to help me stock my store!" Jafar announced, snapping me out of my trance.

He approached me and I felt my eyes roll as the creepiness in his eyes grew brighter,"What did you score today?"

I opened my satchel and rummaged through it, pulling out random stuff before I held out a lamp.

He snatched it from me and rubbed it like crazy...showing that he was actually crazy.

"Dad.." I hated calling him that but to fit in was to not let Caleb win,"I already tried."

I actually hadn't but I didn't need him to continue embarrassing himself.

He tossed the lamp into my hands with a scowl and growl, emerging back into his corner where he sat down in an old chair.

I never told him about the money I would steal, I always pocketed it and only Mal knew. She caught me one of the first days I started stealing, she didn't stop me but she asked me if I felt alright because I obviously wasn't doing it right.

There were plenty of Jafar's henchmen to catch me doing that and I would've been beaten if he found out. She showed me how to do it right and then we continued our day as if nothing had happened.

Why she never told on me was a mystery to me but I guess she understood just as well as I did, you had to save up as much as possible and wait for the right time. You never knew when you had to run and hide from people you hated the most.

Now, as I watched around me as the villain kids were uncomfortable thinking about leaving the Isle..I noticed a sparkle in their eyes.

Maybe they were faking being scared, maybe they wanted this opportunity more than anything in their lives.

Me? I would do anything to fit in. To be a part of this. Just so I wouldn't have to worry about what Caleb wants.

I do what I want.

And what I wanted was to go to Auradon.

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