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Things never go my way. Mal found it within ten minutes.

Well, correction, Evie found it.

"It's in a museum," Mal sounded stressed and surprised at the same time, an edge to her voice that was oddly charged with anxiety,"Do we know where it is?"

"It's 2.3 miles from here," Carlos piped up next to us, we looked over and saw him flip a computer around to show us.

And, just like that, we were off. Sneaking through the night like thieves...which is what we were but whatever, details aren't important.

Once we found the museum, I felt my heart drop, realizing we were almost done with our mission.

We'd go back to the beginning and I'd be stuck where I never wanted to be in the first place.
But then I devised a plan that was too good to not give up.

Once Mal put the guard to sleep, we snuck through rooms and galleries, finding art and boring books before stumbling upon the villain room.

Life sized, inexplicably real looking wax statues decorated the room, they looked over us like the real beings and we all seemed distracted.

"Killer..." I mumbled as I looked at Jafar's, recognizing the scowl from a mile away. Yet, I don't know why I recognized it. It wasn't like I knew him all my life. Jay did. But not me.

Once we got over the stupor, we found it. Fairy Godmother's magic wand.

It was in a high tech area that made it float above the ground at an angle, looking easy enough to grab and run..but there's always something more.

Since I was obviously the most "experienced" thief, they expected me to get it which I should've known but wasn't expecting.

I slipped under the railing, going along with my plan I devised in my head as I went to reach for it.

"Jay, don't," Mal gave me the look she always did when I was about to steal something wrong, like she knew we'd get caught and most times she was right.

Instead, I thought about the blond boy, how he could possibly be Alex. I couldn't stop thinking about him since I saw the resemblance and it made me realize...he's what I wanted more than anything. And I was planning on getting it.

I smirked as I reached for the wand,"No, don't!"

As soon as I reached my hand in, a force field repelled it off and an alarm blared above us.

We started running towards the exits, making sure the security guard didn't see us as we burst through the doors.

"Great, Jay, now we have to go to school tomorrow!" Mal said with anger and annoyance drenching her voice.

"Yeah...I know," I thought with a slight smirk.

The next day, no one would even look at me.

I knew I screwed up but it was obviously on purpose, how no one saw that but me was odd.

They should've known Jay would do something like that..or would he? Was that just a Willie thing? I hoped not, I didn't need anyone finding out I wasn't actually him.

We went into our new normal routine of class, the first one being Remedial Goodness 101.

When I first heard about it, I wanted to roll my eyes and hit my head against the wall. Now, as I sat in the class for an hour, I literally wanted to plow through the floor in agony.

It was so boring and so unnecessary but I had to fake knowing what to do just so I could get out of here in general.

Once class was over, I almost left a Willie-sized hole in the wall as I went to find my other class...while also simultaneously looking for the other guy that looked like Alex and not the prissy dude I found the first day we were here.

I knew Chad, the guy I mistook for Alex, wasn't the guy I originally saw yesterday. It couldn't be. Even though he had blond hair, his was more of a beach blond than a golden blond, it also didn't have the yellowish highlights that sparkled in the sun.

Thinking about it made me think of our hug before I got here, the way I didn't even think to put my hand through his hair like he did with mine. Sometimes I felt the ghost (ha) of his hand still cradling the back of my head.

What I would've given to seize that opportunity to hold his head in my hands, to cup his kiss him.

Oh, how badly I wanted to kiss him that night.

Stupid Reggie, always ruining everything.

I sped through hallways in a chill way, not trying to call attention to myself but trying to act like I was lost too. If anybody asked if I needed help, I'd just deny it and look everywhere until I found him.

"Jay! Wait up!" I bit my tongue when I heard Carlos behind me,"Wow, you're fast."

"What is it, Carlos?"

"Oh, I was just wanting to tell you that our next class is that way," he pointed the opposite direction and I sighed.

I felt my teeth grind, not in frustration but in anxiety, I didn't want to waste a second looking for him,"Uh, thanks, but I just don't feel like sitting in another boring class, ya know?"

"'re skipping this period?" His eyes turned to puppy dog's, almost pleading for me to come with him so he wouldn't be alone.

But he'd have Mal and Evie...but the kid really worried me sometimes. He needed someone to pay attention to him in a good way, in a friendly way.
As a friend and not as a master.

"Why don't you come with me?" I sling my arm around his shoulders in a playful way,"I'm gonna go find some places to vandalize and pilfer."

"Really? That sounds-" he cut himself off, sounding excited first as his smile turned into a frown,"Um..I'm gonna go join class. I don't really want to get in trouble." He seemed to shrink in his own skin.

"Yeah, I get it but-"

"I'll see you at the dorm, Jay," then he skirted away, almost like a cockroach across a tile floor.

Once he was gone, I blinked and mumbled,"Bye then.."

I started scanning more rooms, going down abandoned hallways and stuff until I heard something.

My ears perked up with the sound of...

My eyes started tearing up.

Drums. It's drums.

I bolted down a hallway that was where the music was coming from, sprinting faster than I ever have before.

I realized not too long after I appeared here that Jay was a lot fitter than me, after the years of thieving and running away, I'd figure as much.

Once I found the room where the sound of drums basically made the door vibrate with sound waves, I placed my hand on the door handle and couldn't even turn it. My heart began beating a million miles an hour as I thought about it.

What if I was just giving my hopes up? That it wasn't Alex but just some random kid? What if I was going through delusions of fantasies that were never going to happen?

But then one thought rang in my mind and I felt like falling through the floor.

What if I was letting Caleb win?

Just that single thought gave me enough strength to open the door, pulling it open with a loud creak and groan.

The drums suddenly stopped playing and I heard a voice from in front of me say,"Hey, man, can you close the door? We're having a band practice in here."

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