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As soon as I got into the limo that lead us to our new lives in Auradon, I felt the cool air of the air conditioning and I felt at ease.

Calmness filled my veins and I didn't feel stressed anymore. I was free. Well, kinda.

We had been tasked by the villains to find Fairy Godmother's magic wand, something that could help them get out of the Isle and to cause havoc to Auradon.

I wished that the villain kids were thinking as I was to just forget them but they were planning on going on with the plan. I almost wanted to say "no, let's not" but I figured that wasn't very in-character of me.

According to Mal, Jay would do anything Jafar told him to do. I hated it but I guess it was true.

We were going to the barrier when Carlos found candy, making my mouth water.

Since I had been a ghost for awhile, I couldn't really eat at all. Becoming alive again on the Isle, the only food they had was rotten, mushy leftover stuff from Auradon that no one really wanted but they'd eat it to survive.

Seeing him eating a chocolate peanut butter cup made me want to pass out. I can't tell you how much I craved for those throughout the years.

I snatched one up and I stuffed it into my mouth, making me cringe a bit from how sweet it was but then easing back into the deliciousness.

I missed food. I missed chocolate.

I missed being alive more than I would ever admit.

To be honest, that's probably why I liked Alex so much. He had made me feel alive since Caleb convinced me to join the club.

I loved the way he made me feel young, not more of a punk anymore but as a kid who had a dream. He was my dream in the end.

Every night as I fell asleep on the Isle, I thought of Alex. Wondering if he was okay in the other universe or if he was having a hard time like me.

The thought of Caleb finding him chilled me to my bones every time I thought about it, the feeling of seeing Alex get shocked by Caleb's stamp enveloping me every time.

I wanted nothing more than anything than to know that he was okay. That was safe.

But, as we went over the bridge to Auradon, I realized that was the least of my worries.

To be honest, it wasn't even on the tier of what I should really be worried about.

I looked around at the villain kids, watching Mal plot on how to get the wand, Evie fixing her makeup, and Carlos eating until his face turned blue...and I thought to myself.

Here goes nothing.

King Ben greeted us as soon as we had gotten there.

When I first saw him though, I almost got whiplash. He looked very similar to Luke, Alex's friend. It took me a few minutes to stare at him intently for me to actually confirm it wasn't actually him.

Something about the way he worded his sentences and the way he stood wasn't anything like Luke. But I guess he noticed my intense staring and laughed awkwardly before giving us to Doug, some dirty blond nerdy dude who was the son of Dopey the dwarf.

Doug seemed like an okay guy but he was just really awkward, especially around Evie. Funny considering their parents were a part of the same story but on completely different spectrums.

He began to tell us about our schedules, the impending doom of time management made me want to pass out but I guess it wasn't the worst thing.

My mind droned off as I heard all the random times and places we had to be...when I noticed a bunch of students walking past us getting to their next class.

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