She Didn't Tell You?

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Y/n's book.

The book that she held so dearly. The one that came with her everywhere.

She wouldn't leave it here like this.. she was just carrying this a couple hours prior.

Something was definitely wrong.

It doesn't take a profiler to realize that.

Spencer delicately picked up the crimson book, his long fingers handling it incredibly gracefully.

He flipped open the hard cover, revealing the tan inside.

His eyes skimmed over the small note written in black ink.

He suddenly realized why this book meant so much to you.

His mind drifted to the things he harshly screamed.

The words that slipped out.

Maybe if you were sober that night, your brother might still be here.

His heart cracked, guilt crushing him with one strong wave.

He rammed through the doors of the office, practically sprinting towards the elevator.

He pressed 6, impatiently tapping his foot.

With every passing moment, Reid's mind began to wander.

We're you ok?

Where had you gone?

His hands clutched against his leather satchel, the collar of his shirt somehow getting tighter and tighter.

By the end of the elevator ride, he could barely breathe in the small box, pushing and shoving his way to the glass doors.

He bursted through the entrance, grabbing the attention of the team.

He frantically searched for y/n, but she was nowhere be seen.

Worry swallowed his whole demeanor.

"Does anyone know where Y/n is?" The panic in his voice showing.

All eyes switched to Spencer, and Prentiss pulled out her phone dialing y/n's number.

"Pretty boy what's going on?" Morgan asked aa a concerned look sweeped across his face.

"I found Y/n's book outside.. It was too important to her. She wouldn't leave it like this. In fact she wouldn't leave it at all."

He twiddled his fingers, the faint ringing of Emily's phone filling the silence.

"Voicemail." Prentiss shot out, glancing at Hotch.

Hotch side eyed Rossi, some how expressing his worry to the older man through eye contact.

"Reid what are you implying?" The stern words traveling from Hotch to the team.

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