Chapter 1

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A few hours earlier~~~

"You want to what!?" His step-father said, exaggerating his laughter much more than necessary.

"I-I would like to-to attend the festival." Eren repeated quietly.

"The royal family would not approve of me bringing a peasant to their festival. And you've nothing to wear, either."

"But the festival lasts three nights, surely you could let me attend at least one of them? I'm sure that I could find something to wear, maybe mother left me something in her chest?" Eren said hopefully, although he doubted that his 'father' would even consider changing his mind.

His step-father scoffed. "That chest was left for your brothers, not you. Maybe they will be kind enough to give you one of your mother's old handkerchiefs when it's opened. Now, go into the town and fetch some groceries."

"Yes, Grisha....." Eren hung his head low as he left the house, but he knew that he couldn't complain, it wouldn't change anything, and would probably just add to his already long list of chores.


Eren stopped by his mother's grave before going back home. She was buried deep in the woods, underneath a large oak tree. Sitting down in front of the tree, he let a single tear slip from his eye, not bothering to wipe it away. She had died almost ten years ago, leaving Eren with almost nothing, an evil step-father, and a pair of terrible twin brothers.

She'd always told him to be kind, that it would pay off and everything would be better in the end, but he was starting to have his doubts. He was basically a slave to his 'family' and kindness wouldn't do a thing to change that fate. He just hoped that one day someone would find something in him, and he'd be married and able to leave the horrid place he called a home. This was why he wanted to go to the festival. The royal family hosts a ball once a year, which happens on the third night. He was hoping to find a partner there. Although the chances were low, there was still a possibility.....

The tear rolled off of his chin and onto the ground in front of him, and he silently prayed that a miracle would happen to get him there.

"Excuse me young man?" a voice spoke from behind him, and he spun around to see an old woman hobbling towards him.

"Do you happen to have any coins to spare? I was hoping to buy a loaf of bread for my children and I, but I've only a penny to my name."

Eren shook his head. "No ma'am. I don't have any money on me, and I don't have much to begin with, but...." He picked his basket up off of the ground, pulling out a loaf of bread, a roll of meat, and a few vegetables. "You probably need this more than I do," he said.

The woman smiled, her teeth surprisingly white. She seemed to change then, growing taller, younger. Strawberry blonde hair hung down to her shoulders, a white dress clinging to her thin frame, golden lace on the collar and bottom of the dress. Golden mist swirled at her feet, so Eren couldn't see her shoes, although he guessed that they were probably golden as well.

"You have made the right choice." She said, stepping towards him.

"One wish. You have one wish Eren Jaeger, choose well."

And that's how he ended up here.



Very short first chapter, I know. But the chapters will be much longer after this one. Promise. I swear on Sherlock's virginity. x'D

anyway, constructed criticism is welcome, and very appreciated.


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