Chapter 2

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That's what Eren felt right now, having his hair pulled at by his idiotic, horsefaced brother, Jean. Constant harassment was all he got from his brothers, Jean usually doing most of the work while Armin stayed on the sidelines, looking slightly remorseful, but not doing anything to stop him. Eren almost never lost his temper at either of the two, no matter how much they poked and prodded; when he did, he ended up with stable duty.

Right now, Eren was dressing Jean for the festival. Why he was doing this, he wasn't quite sure. They were old enough to dress themselves, correct? Apparently, they didn't think so.

"Do you not understand how to tie a fucking bow?" Jean screamed at Eren, pointing to the slightly crooked tie around his neck. "Here, I'll do it myself!" he pushed Eren out of the way, and somehow managed to re-tie the bow upside down. Eren suppressed a giggle, and Jean glared at him.

He sneered at Eren, kicking him in the shin. "At least I dress better than you," He sneered. "You're fucking disgusting. Mom must've hated you, if all she left you with were dirty rags." Eren sighed, side-stepping another kick and walking away.

Armin stopped him, grabbing his shoulder and spinning him around to face him. His head was down, blonde hair dangling in his blue eyes. He looked up slightly, opening his mouth as if to say something, before quickly slamming it shut. He did this a few times, before eventually squeaking out an "I'm sorry" and bolting away.

"I'm sorry too" Eren said quietly to himself.

He turned and ran out the door, into the forest. There, he was greeted by the woman from earlier, sitting in a tree with her legs crossed.

"So, Eren," she said in a soft voice. "Are you ready?" a grin broke out on his face, and he remembered that he, too, would be attending this year.

"Of course. Although.....what am I to wear?" a knowing smile splayed on the woman's features, and she laughed mischievously.

"You didn't think I'd send you in what you're wearing now, did you?" Eren shrugged, and the short blonde in front of him sighed. She waved her wand in the air, light flashing towards Eren. His clothes changed, and soon he was wearing a light pink ball gown, with a golden bow in his hair. The woman laughed, Eren glaring daggers at her.

"What?" She asked. "Oh, can't a faery godmother have some fun? You look gorgeous!" A breathy chuckle escaped her lips, before she waved her wand again. This time, when the light dimmed, Eren found himself in a tight-fitting suit. A dark blue, silk blazer covered his torso, with dark pants on the legs. A black bowtie topped off the whole thing.

She waved her wand once more, this time at the small, wild-growing pumpkin patch that lay a few feet away. One of the pumpkins simmered and grew, and with a final pop, a full-sized carriage stood in it's place. Eren gasped, but the lady had one final trick up her sleeve. She whistled, loud and sharp, and horses could be heard galloping their way.

"Hop in!" She said, and Eren was happy to oblige, opening the door to the carriage and setting foot into the large space on the inside. "You must be back here before midnight, or the spell will be broken. You'll have to figure the rest out on your own. Now, off you go. I believe you have someplace to be."

"Wait!" Eren called as the carriage took off. "I never got your name!"

"It's Petra, my dear." She smiled warmly, then vanished from sight.


The beginning of the night was a drag. No, I do not mean boring, it was anything but, I mean it was an actual drag.

Men from the kingdom of Maria waltzed through the doors, dressed in flowy gowns and colourful makeup. Compared to the formally dressed people of Shinganshina and Sina, they were complete and utter clowns. Talk about showing your colours. You couldn't tell which gender was which! Was this even allowed?

The countries' royalty were seated at a large table in the front of the room, dining on dinners that Eren couldn't have even imagined ever eating. They made his mouth water.

The kind and Queen of Shinganshina were dead, as they had been for years, their children taking their place at the head of the table. Prince Rivaille, who was said to have a heart of stone, sat in the tallest chair, his sister, Mikasa, sitting in the throne next to him. Kind Pixis, of Sina, sat on one side of the table, his back to the crowd, and the two queens of Maria, Ymir and Krista, were on the other side.

They weren't allowed out of their seats until the end of the night, where they would choose a partner and dance through the last song.

Eren admired the Prince for a moment, taking in every detail he could from this far away. He'd never actually seen him before, and boy, he didn't know what he was missing until now. He was wearing the attire of most royalty, a red and white suit, much like an army uniform. A golden crown was placed crookedly atop his head, flattening his raven hair and causing it to dangle into his steel grey eyes, which seemed to annoy him quite a bit.

He was......breathtaking.

The crossdressers, of course, took this time to perform a show, blocking Eren's view of the Prince..While he found this slightly interesting to watch, he was still  partially disgusted by the whole thing, and stepped outside to join in on the festivities.

He hadn't noticed the eyes on him.



Heh, heh, you like?
I do hope so, because I plan on this fic going on for a while.
Once again, short chapter, ik, but whatever.
Oh, and to my lovely readers, do any of you listen to the Vocaloids? I absolutely adore the 7 Deadly Sin Series, especially Evil Food Eater Conchita.
Vote if you liked it, comments are very helpful, and follow if you want to see more of my small array of work.

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