Chapter 3

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Screw it, I'm going all first person on this shit


The palace courtyard was gorgeous. Blue flowers littered the ground, vines climbing the walls, and roses were planted here and there. The palace itself was made of a mossy sort of stone, with a sort of roundish shape to it. The red and white flag of Shinganshina hung from the top, with the smaller flags of the other kingdoms resting underneath.

The festivities going on, however, were a different story. Hundreds of vendors were set up, selling masks, gowns, and food that smelled delicious, making my mouth water. Children dAnced around, laughing and tackling each other, getting dirt and grass stains all over their small suits and dresses. Men and women were dancing all around, fey people performing songs and poetry on the palace steps.

A particular fey woman with goat hooves and pirranah teeth caught my eye, and I was soon absorbed in listening to the ballad she was singing. It was about a woman luring a man underwater with her singing voice, and he was trapped under there until he drowned, at which point the woman who lured him there devoured his head, leaving his body to float to shore. At the end of the song I sucked a much needed breathe into my burning lungs, not having realized that I hadn't been able to breathe. My neck ached as well, a dull throbbing piercing the back of my skull.

I looked towards the food vendors, wishing that I could try one of the delicious looking foods they had made. It seemed my wishes had been granted when a bright glow came from my pocket, and when I looked to see caused it, I was greeted with hundreds of dollars worth of coins. I immediately went and bought an item they called a hotdog, made of horse meat and a colourful array of vegetables and spices. I thought of Jean sitting on the bun, and grimaced, shoving half of it into my mouth before I could change my mind about eating it. It tasted amazing, and I was hesitant to swallow for fear I wouldn't taste anything like it again.

It was a quarter to twelve when the bells chimed, signalling the final dance. I walked into the palace, wearing my newly bought mask. The mask itself covered only half of my face, but it looked gorgeous on. It was plain white, with a golden trim going around it. Gold jewels circled the eyes. It contrasted with the blue of my eyes, bringing out the gold flecks that usually weren't too noticeable.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder immediately after entering the palace, and when I turned around, I was face to face with Prince Rivaille.

"I don't believe I've had the pleasure," he said, bending down to place a feather light kiss on my gloved hand. I blushed a furious shade of red, bowing low after he let go.

"Prince Rivaille. It-it's an honour." I stuttered out.

"May I have this dance?" I gulped, nodding reluctantly. After all, you can't turn down royalty.

We walked, hand in hand, onto the dance floor. The crowd cleared a path for us, bowing. They let out a few surprised gasps at the fact that the Prince had picked a male as his dance partner, but other than that there was no reaction.

The band started playing, a slow, peaceful tune, and you could distinctly hear the timpani drums in the background.

He placed a hand on my waist, and one on my shoulder, and I did the same. It was funny to watch him have to stretch his arms up to reach me, but I didn't dare laugh, for fear of offending him.

I stumbled over my feet as we started dancing, grumbling quietly at my failure. I'd never been taught to dance, my family always leaving me out of social events. I was a disgrace In their eyes, nothing to be shown in public. I heard a small chuckle coming from Levi, and looked up to see a smile on his face. He lost his calm, business-like demeanor for a moment, helping me so that I didn't make a fool out of both of us in front of the three kingdoms.

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