Fundraiser Week (Part 3)

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All of a sudden Kaylee grabs Pixie by the arm and drags her away, she pulls Pixie into the backroom, she lets go of Pixie and Pixie confused and a little annoyed say "Hey! What was that for?" and Kaylee blurts out "I saw Dan and Isabelle kissing!" Pixie is completely dumbfounded, she couldn't believe what she just heard. "Kaylee....A-Are you sure you saw them kissing?" "Positive!" Kaylee exclaims. "Oh my god Kaylee....we have to tell Tyce, we can't keep this from him." Kaylee takes a deep breath, "Ok. We can tell him." Kaylee says hesitantly. "What's wrong?"  Kaylee sighs, "Well, you realize this will hurt Tyce right...He's going to be heartbroken." Pixie waits a second to respond, she thinks about Tyce, she doesn't want to hurt him. "Kaylee...I know it will hurt him, but it's the right thing to do." Kaylee pauses "You're right Pixie, let's go tell them." They walk out of the backroom, they see Isabelle walk up to Tyce and give him a kiss and a long embrace. Tyce looks incredibly happy. "I can't tell him. Not right now." Pixie tells Kaylee, "Yea, we can't," Kaylee says softly. They walk up to them Pixie plasters on a smile, "Hey, you guys ready to start the fundraiser it's getting close to 11 pm." "Yea! let's get started!" Tyce says excitedly. "Ok, let's open the doors," Dan says. Hours pass and the group works hard to give these kids the best music program they can. The group is having an amazing afternoon, "Tyce, do you want lunch? Dan and I were heading to country callies." "Um, no sorry, I'm not hungry babe." Isabelle smiles almost smirking. "Ok Tyce, I love you, babe." Pixie just wants to scream she can't believe that she can still be so lovey-dovey to him. Isabelle kisses Tyce and walks away with Dan. "H-Hey Tyce, do you..want to go out for lunch too?" Pixie asks shyly. Tyce smiles at her and responds. "Sure Pixie where do you want to go?" "Gamergirl Station." Pixie blurts out. Tyce gives Pixie a big smile. "Of Course Pixie, I would love to." Pixie smiles and nods. She grabs Tyce's arm and snuggles close to him, she walks with Tyce to there favorite spot, the spot that they met at. While walking to the Arcade they are greeted by a familiar face. "OMG! Pixie and Tyce!" They both stand there shocked and pixie excitedly says "Hiiii Tasey!!" Tasey is an old friend of Tyce and Pixie, They worked with them towards the end of their time at Gamergirl Station. Tyce smiles and says "Hey Tasey!" They talk with Tasey for a few minutes they reminisce about their time together, working for the Gamergirl Station. "Hey, I have to get back to work, but we should all hang out together like we used to." Pixie smiles "Of course Tasey, I can't wait!' They say their goodbyes to Tasey and continue to walk and talk about all everything, their lives, catching up on family, and just talk, they both enjoy talking, like they used to, like they used to always do. When they arrived at the Gamergirl Station they Sit at their favorite table in the back they order some food not because it's good but because it reminds them of old times.  They hardly even eat the food, they just Talk and laugh they enjoy the time and old memories. Before they know it, the manager walks up to their table and tells them they are closing soon, they realize that it's almost midnight and they decided to pay the bill and leave. Tyce and Pixie begin walking to Pixie's apartment, Pixie doesn't want to let go of Tyce, she wants to stay with him and have moments like this forever. Tyce notices the sad look on Pixie's face. "Are you alright?" Pixie looks up at Tyce and smiles. "Yes, today was great, I enjoyed spending time with you, We don't do that often ever since you got with Isabelle." Tyce smiles "Yeah I've had a lot of fun today, but I've hardly seen Isabelle today." Pixie pauses, she doesn't want to hurt Tyler, but he has the right to know. "Tyce...I have something to tell you." She looks at him with loving concern, Tyce gets worried. "Pixie, what's wrong?" Pixie looks into Tyce's eyes and says the word she knows will break him. "Kaylee saw Dan and Isabelle kissing upstairs during the fundraiser." Tyce looks at Pixie and looks so sad, heartbroken. He doesn't even have to say anything for Pixie to understand exactly how he feels. Tyce doesn't say anything he just walks away. The sadness in his eyes and the way he walks away makes Pixie sad, She can't believe Isabelle would do it. She feels so terrible for Tyce, she's just as heartbroken as him. Pixie walks back to her apartment. Isabelle isn't there, Pixie thinks to herself "She must be at Dan's" Pixie disappointment and anger intensifies knowing that she can do this to Tyce. Pixie heads to bed thinking about what Isabelle did but mainly thinking of Tyce and wondering if he's ok. 


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