Make You Mine

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It's been over 3 weeks since I've seen Tyce, He hasn't answered my calls or texts. According to Isabelle, they broke up, I would like to say I feel bad for her, and I did a little bit, then it wasn't even 3 hours after the break up when she got with Dan, she is my good friend. However, she cheated on Tyce, and apparently had no love for him.  I don't feel bad for her at all. I grab my jacket and I walk outside, I want fresh air, I need to breathe. I head out and I start walking it's chilly outside, I walk until I I reach a park, to others, it's just a part nothing special but to me, this is the place I last saw Tyce, we lost connection for about 2 years, and this is where I last saw him before then, That night was so painful, I remember the conversation we had, it was so heartbreaking, I cried almost the whole night. I sit on a bench and I sit and ponder about everything, that's happened over the past few weeks I think about Tyce and how heartbroken he must be. I sit and think, everything goes blank after this, I don't remember much. All I remember is waking up on the park bench with someone shaking me, I open my eyes and see a familiar jacket it's light pink with a small embroidered stitch at the bottom. I look up and realize, it's Tyce, his cheeks are red from the cold, he looks docile. I pick my head off my bench and I look up at him in confusion. Inside I'm so happy he's here. Tyce sits next to me on the bench. "So do you fall asleep on a public park bench often?" Tyce says playfully.  I laugh and respond "Oh yea, all the time, it's kinda a hobby." Tyce and I both laugh, I'm so happy to see him. We continue talking, and I have to ask, Tyce, "What happened between you and Isabelle?" Tyce takes a deep breath and says, I broke up with her for 2 reasons.  I know the first reason but I can't figure out what the other reason could be. "I can't tell you what the second reason is." It's like Tyce can read my thoughts. I look down, want to ask but I won't. Tyce looks at me with loving eyes. "Hey, it's kinda late, do you want me to walk you home Pixie?" I want to stay here with him, forever. "Sure, let's go," Pixie responds. Tyce stands up and I follow I grab him by the arm and snuggle tight with him. I want Tyce to love, hug me back, kiss me. The two walks in complete silence, they continue like this until they reach Pixie's apartment when they reach the door Pixie turns around to say goodbye to Tyce before she can part her lips to speak, Tyce grabs Pixie by the waist and kisses her passionately. Pixie wraps her arms around Tyce's neck kissing him back, Neither of them knows how long the kiss was, it felt lat a blissful eternity, neither of them wants it to end.  


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