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Now Both dadi leave temple going to there house. While going to house Shivaay Dadi think to make Annika as Shivaay wife nd her house bahu. Dadi thought after gng to home talk with family members first about this matter.

After gng to home Shivaay Dadi call all elders family members to hall to talk about Annika. Everyone cum down to hall ask what is matter maa u call all of them .Dadi say talk about Shivaay marriage. Then Dadi tell about hw she meet her best friend nd about Annika. Elders get angry hw can someone treat daughter like that. Dadi tell them thAt Trommow her friend coming for lunch she don't know about anything . She just ask her cum for lunch so there can think about Annika Marriage so I will call her ask to bring Annika photo. So we can also see Annika. After talking with Shivaay showing Annika photo to him . If  He like her then we can talk to her about both marriage.

In Annika house her parents r betting her because she didn't do work which there told her to do. Annika was sitting in her room crying like hell. Her room is just room with broken bed nd shelf with some clothes there is nothing which rich girl hv in there room if anyone see her room there think it's maid room only . But Annika never ask her parents y there give her like that room nd adjust in room. AD came to home nd go to kitchen see a Annika but she not there AD search for her one maid tell Annika is in room when dadi went room Annika was crying dadi ask her what happened Annika tell what her parents did with her dadi feel bad but can't do anything . Dadi give tablets to Annika make her sleep. Dadi also cry seeing her granddaughter suffering leave d room. When Dadi sitting in room then she get phone call from her friends who is Shivaay Dadi . She ask AD to bring Annika photo with her.

Oberoi House Shivaay come from office see all elders r sitting hall chit chatting with each other.Shivaay ask Dadi what is gng on. Dadi say nothing Trommow my bestfriend is coming for lunch after so many years so talking about that. He say okay go to his room to fresh up till then om ru pri come from shopping  also go for fresh up to there room. After that brothers nd sister spend some time together nd join family members for dinner nd go to sleep with happy faces.

Trivedi House After some time Annika prepare dinner for family . In dinner table  Dadi inform to her son nd daughter -in-law Trommow she is gng to her friends house for lunch. Annika parents give her punishment that no dinner for her because she did mistake.Annika just nod her head saying yes. Annika go to sleep with hunger nd crying face.


Guys sorry for short update 😔

But wattpad hv problem if I m writing long part it got deleted when I'm publish part.

Pakka next time I will publish long chapter 😍

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