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Next Day

Annika Dadi come to Oberoi House welcome by Shivaay Dadi nd another family members. Except Shivaay who went to office for important meeting. All r sitting in hall nd talking with Annika Dadi then suddenly Shivaay Dadi ask hw is Annika beta listing that Annika dadi become sad tears form in eye's . Shivaay dadi ask what happend y r u crying then Annika dadi say what all r happend with Annika yesterday. Dadi nd another family members also sad listing to it hw can parents do that to innocent soul. Om nd ru feel angry on them doing like that to own daughter. Pri went to clg so she also not present there. After some time Shivaay Dadi ask about Annika photo . AD give it to SD nd say only this photo I hv that to without knowing to her parents i ask photographs to click it on some function in house. All family members r shock after listing to it now there understood hw much Annika is suffering in that house being rice girl also. Dadi see d photo like Annika nd she thought hw much innocent is Annika . Another family members see Annika photo like her . om nd ru also like Annika seeing photo but there not understanding what is matter after seeing Annika photo family members smiling seeing each other there though to talk after Annika dadi leave house . Elders think in mind to themselves if she become daughter -in-law there must take care of her like there own daughter nd give so much love to her. In Afternoon Annika dadi do lunch leave Oberoi House .

 In Afternoon Annika dadi do lunch leave Oberoi House

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In Trivedi House dadi entry nd see Annika cleaning dinner table after her parents nd brother had lunch. Dadi go nd ask Annika did she ate anything. Annika say no dadi nothing is left I will do it dinner Time . Dadi ask y u didn't prepare for ur self also then Annika say I prepare for everyone but suddenly mom nd dad friends came there didn't inform me before so there is no food left . Guys Trivedi House there is rule that food must prepare only one time for every meal. Dadi think Annika parents wantely did it . so Annika will be without lunch today also. Dadi keep hand on Annika head leave to her room while crying nd pray to god for Annika future.

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