Why him!

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DISCLAIMER!: I do NOT own My Hero Academia. Just the plot and this book. Anyways let's start this up.

So far today has been the most boring day of my life. Not only did we not do any hero training but we worked on math, the most boring and confusing subject of all time! I let out a long heavy sigh as I slowly sink into my chair.

"What's wrong with you Ashido?"

With a bored look on my face I look behind me to see my red headed friend that looked just as bored as me.

"You already know what's wrong."

With an awkward smile he scratched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly,

"Yeah I know, just trynna start a conversation." I smile softly, to get a little more comfortable I turn my whole body so I was facing him.

"Ok let's talk. What about though?" We both sit in silence trying to think of something to talk about. After a couple of seconds Kirishima's eyes lightly widened as he found something that we could talk about.

"How do you think you're doing in school?" My smile faded away as I sunk back into my chair, with my now straight face I look at him in disappointment

"Really dude, really?"

"Hey! I don't see you coming up with anything."

"It's because I'm bored and tired! If I was in the right mind set I would talk about something interesting so we can make it through the rest of the day." He lets out a sigh and leans back in his chair,

"So I guess your not doing so hot?" I keep quiet to save myself from the embarrassment. He studies my face,

"You do know I'm not doing any better myself right? You don't have to be embarrassed." I lay my head down on the back of the chair and sigh.

"That doesn't make it any better though. We go to UA, the top hero school in Japan, wouldn't you expect more? I mean yeah, our skill make up for our lack of education but is it enough?"

Kirishima stared at me in surprise before saying anything. I laugh nervously,

"Sorry I didn't mean to rant like that." He blinks a couple time

"You don't have to apologize, I just never thought you could be... anxious."
I chuckle and let out one of my bright smiles,

"Well I like to stay positive no matter the situation but I guess the math lesson got to me a little."

"I think I have a solution to your problems." I raise a eye brow, curiosity taking over I lean in a little closer, with eyes that were begging him to tell me.

"Well I was thinking that you could come with me to my tutoring sessions after school. That's if your up for it of course?" I smile and nod,

"Duh, you know I need it." We both laugh, with the mood finally lighten we continue our conversation with our other friends until the bell for class rung.

While Mr. Aizawa was teaching his lesson my mind was elsewhere, I know I was supposed to be paying attention but I was really trying to think of who Kirishima tutor could be. They're obviously in this class, he doesn't talk to a lot of people in the other classes, but who in this class? Momo? No she would definitely come to me and the girls to talk about it. Todoroki? Nah he's too anti social to tutor anyone.



"Care to explain how to do this equation?" He points at the very complicated equation on the board. I can feel a hole bunch of eyes on me which causes me to sweet a little as I hesitate to answer his question.

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