Let' try this out

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DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own My Hero Academia, just the plot and this book. Now to start the long process of writing this chapter.


"SHHHHHHHHHHHH! You're in the library!"

We all turn to see the librarian standing at one of the bookshelves, angrily tapping her foot as she looked at the three of us.

"Sorry about that. I'll try to keep them from acting up again." Bakugo rolled his eyes as Kirishima was apologizing for us. The librarian rolled her eyes before leaving, we turn our attention back to Kirishima waiting for an explanation.

"Explain. Now."

"She just needed help with her studies, so I brought her here cause I thought you could help her." With a cocky grin Bakugo turned his gaze on to me,

" So you came to me because you realized how much of an idiot you are, huh?"

"I'm not a idiot! *sigh* But yeah, I did come to ask for help. So could you help a girl out?" I smile brightly at him, even though I would rather go ask literally anyone else for help he seems to be my only chance right now, so I might as well try to get on his good side.



DID HE JUST SAY NO?!?!?!? Why!? Did I say something that offended him!? I look at Kirishima for answers but he just shrugged his shoulders.

"H-How come?" He leaned back in his chair, cocky smirk now gone and replaced with his resting bitch face.

"Cause, I don't like you." With my fake demeanor gone I just stare at him. Well I guess the whole 'be nice to him' Idea is out the window cause he's starting to piss me off.

"You know the feelings mutual right?"

"Wow, I'm surprised you even know what mutual means."

"W-What!? Of course I know what mutual means, I'm not stupid Bakugo!"

"You came here looking for someone to help you study. So yes, your fucking stupid."

"Uhhhhhhhh! You know what, fine don't tutor me, I'll just go find someone that's better and not as annoying.*sigh* Thanks for the help Kirishima but it's clear that Bakugo doesn't want to help me, so I'll just ask Midoriya and see if he can help me out." I wink at Kirishima and start to slowly make my way to the exit. I was a couple a feet away from the boys but even at that distance I could still hear Bakugo's growls and insults as I inched further. But I stopped at the sound of something hitting wood, I turn and see Bakugo standing with his hands pressed on the table and his normal angry face looking in my direction.

"GET YOUR DUMB ASS BACK OVER HERE NOW!!" Feeling a little cocky I smile and cross my arms.

"But I thought you said you didn't want to tutor me?"

"Yeah but then you had the nerve to choose that danm nerd over me! You really believe that Deku can teach better than me? YOU'LL EAT THOSE WORDS WHEN YOU PASS THE NEXT TEST!!! NOW SIT DOWN!!!"

"SHHHHHHHHHHHH! Y'all are still in the library!"

"Sorry about that. Our friend here has anger issues so he yells a lot, we're trying to keep him calm but he hard to control." I point at Bakugo and the librarian stared him down until she looked at me again.

"Well try harder!"

I make my way back to their table, laughing silently because of how mad the librarian was and how easy it is to get Bakugo to do things for you. All you have to do is compare him to Midoriya or Todoroki and he'll give in because he has too much pride. I sit next to Kirishima and take out my books, he nugged my arm and smiled, we both started giggling until Bakugo looked at us with an irritated face.

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