2 .The stares

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"Tae's pov" : i see her walk towards me and i almost chocke on my drink because of how beautiful she looks in that swimsuit . She doesn't notice me staring at her .

"End of tae's pov"

I walk up to taehyung.

Tae : Ok then Lets start . *I change into my swimsuit too*
*This is what i wear*

 *I change into my swimsuit too**This is what i wear*

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We both walk to the swimming pool in the backyard. Taehyung jumps in the pool and i walk carefully on the steps. Ok now lets begin the lesson. Taehyung stares in to my eyes. What's wrong tae is there , is there something on my face ??? No there is n..n..nothinh o..o..on you're face lets begin.
So Jennie told me that you learnd to swim on your back yesterday she told me your good at it . Today im gonna teach you how to swim on your stomach.

Y/N pov : *why does he keep staring at me like that*

"End of Y/N pov".

First step is you need to put your hands above your head then you slowly go in the water and when your in the water you need to make these kind of movements with your hand *he shows me what kind of movements he meant*. Yeah just like that. If you can do that im gonna teach you what you need to do with Your feet. *I do what he told me to do with my hands* . Yes good job Y/N , your doing great do it again so i can see if your doing it properly. *He takes a peak at my boy* . Yeah so i see your good at this too , so now were gonna go to your feet. When your in the water i already told you what you need to do with your hands right , now your gonna wanna hold your feet like this *he shows me what i need to do with my feet* . Yeah that's what you need to do with your feet , if your only gonna use your handmovements your not  gonna go fast , but if you use your feet too your gonna go forward fast. *I do what he told me to do with my legs*. Yeah there you go you are realy good at this park y/n . *I noticed he keep's staring at me for no reason. *Im realy starting to think that something is wrong with me there is certanly something on me*. I ask him what is wrong taehyung. Wrong there is nothing wrong y/n . Taehyung , you keep staring at me and you're making me feel oncomfortable , you keep staring at me like there is something on my body. Ooh im sorry if i make you feel uncomfortable .

"Y/N's pov" : *this is excatly why i didn't wan't a Guy to teach me swimming lessons*

"End of y/n's pov"

"Taehyung's pov": *ooh sh*t she noticed me staring at her , but i can't stop she is to pretty and i can't control my self*

"End of tae's"

Ok y/n now you need to do it with both your hand and feet.*i try to do it with both my hand and feet * . No y/n let me show you again. *He shows you*. Just like that . *I try to do it again but i struggle* . Y/N let me help you. *Taehyung asked for premision tp hold my hips to show me properly* . *I nod and say yes*.

Part 3 comming soon😽💜✨

I Fell In Love With My Swimming TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now