1. lonely at shore

141 27 29

May 6, 2020

The wind blows across her face

filling her eyes with tears

and letting her hair fall wild.

She tries not to think about all the anger

and pain and sorrow and heartache

She hears singing from her childhood

Carols sung during Christmastime,

rosy cheeks and snow-crusted hair

were the marks of happiness long ago

She longs for that freedom again.

She remembers what her mother told her

that she was worth it

that she was stronger than she knew.

But her mother is gone now

And her truths are gone with her

She hears the crashing of the waves

across the sandy beach

The water caresses the beach in the same way,

over and over and over again because

the ocean loves the sand.

She wants someone to hold her tight

to tell her it will all be okay

But she knows that if someone tells her that,

it will be a lie.

So she doesn't ask for help.

Soon enough it'll be winter.

The ocean water will freeze over into ice

it will stop crashing onto shore

it will stop reaching out to the beach,

and the sand will grow lonely once more.

the moonlit side of reality (a poetry collection)Where stories live. Discover now