19. watch her rise above your hate

13 4 8

May 14, 2020

She looks away so people cannot see

the tears clinging to her eyelashes.

Her flag is destroyed by hate,

scraps of rainbow-colored fabric scattered about

under people's feet.

She always imagined standing up on a stage but

she never thought it would be like this,

being the subject of humiliation

in the eyes of a disgusted crowd.

Her skin is bruised and battered,

battered and bruised,

from the stone-cold words people tossed at her

without thinking about how badly they hurt.

She thought it would be solved if she just

showed people she was brave,

but they laughed at her and said

she was only looking for attention.

She wishes that is what it is,

that this whole thing is a lie

and she'll go to sleep and emerge a new person.

But her heart keeps betraying her.

Or maybe it is she who is betraying her heart.

She can't tell the difference anymore.

She is curled up on the ground,

hands over eyes because

she doesn't want to see the hate.

In her mind, she sees a flash of color

among the scornful black and white.

She sees someone telling her to be brave because

this is who she is.

She sees acceptance in a far off world,

and she sees that the only way to get there

is to stop hiding.


she stands up,



at a time.

Her body is trembling but she barely notices

with the roaring in her ears.

The wind tries to blow her away but she stands her ground.

She succumbs to the rawness of the pain

and turns it into glory.

The crowd jeers at her but

they mean nothing to her now.

She takes a step forward.

Her legs threaten to crumble under her,

but they do not.

She takes another step.

She feels as if she is floating.

No, not floating.


The people try to drag her under with them,

but she soars up toward the heavens

and walks above them

toward a world where she can be herself

toward peace

toward equality

toward a world of color and vibrance

and everything else that does not exist here.

Before she enters,

she looks back

at the people below her

and feels nothing but pity for them.

For she realizes that she is not going toward the heavens.

She's going toward life.

She will never miss this place she came from,

this home of vile hate.

She will never miss it because for once,

she will be accepted.

And that is more than she could ask for.

the moonlit side of reality (a poetry collection)Where stories live. Discover now