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Luke Climbs the chain link fence as he sees the Shiny black car Sparkling in the day, Even after 25 years it looks as good as ever!
" I'm pretty sure this is considered Trespassing" Reggie says hopping over the fence as Luke is already Jumping into the drivers seat.
" It's Luke's car though." Alex says as he shows Reggie the paper work that lays in the front seat.
"Reggie open the gate"
" Luke are you sure about this"
" Yes very"
"I don't know how i feel about helping you commit a crime."
" It's not a crime when the car - MY car- has been sitting in a abandoned car lot for 25 years dumbass"
" Okay, Okay stop arguing alright I'll open the gate."
Alex opens the gate as Luke turns on the ignition.
When the gate is open Luke slowly pulls up as Alex hops into the back seat as Reggie has now reluctantly got in the passenger side.
Luke steps on the gas hard high tailing it out of there.
" Woah man slow down."
Reggie says
"Well it's no fun that way."
Alex laughs as he turns the Radio on Smiling. They listen to a old station as they cruise down the road, " And now here's a song from a band called Sunset Curve  performed back in 1995."
Now or Never starts playing as everyone freaks out.
" Oh my God!" Luke exclaims happily
" Hey that's us Sunset Curve , Tell you friends" Reggie says.
" We Achieved something i guess" Alex says grinning.
Julie lays on her bed her hands folded over one another as she smiles to herself.
" Ok what's going on with you?"
" Nothing why do you say that"
" Cause your all smiley not that it's a bad thing it's just what changed."
" Nothing, Nothing at all"
" Oh please i would have thought you would have been bummed out you don't have a date for the dance tonight."
" Wait.."
"..." Julie started blushing giving it away.
" You got asked out and didn't tell me."
" We are going as friends."
" It's Luke isn't it."
"Oh My God It is!!! BS y'all are going as friends y'all are meant for one another."
" Whatever"
Flynn shakes her head turning the music up since it doesnt matter the volume since everyone is gone.
"Come on let's dance," Flynn says grabbing julies hand as she gets up.
The two girls face around the room having the time of their life not noticing the black car that just pulled in their driveway.
Luke Reggie and Alex look at the girls partying and can't help but laugh when luke Lays on the horn catching their attention.
Julie opens the window as her and Flynn stick their head out.
"Whose car is that? You know Auto theft is still illegal" Flynn asked.
" Actually it's Luke's we founded it in a old car lot this morning,"
Reggie said smiling.
"Wait that's actually yours" Flynn asked surprised
" Yep i even got the paperwork to
prove it." Luke says proudly.
"How did you get in isnt the gate locked on those kinda places?" Julie speaks up.
" Yeah but we jumped the fence no biggie." Reggie says playing cool.
"Wasn't no biggie to you this morning." Alex says as the laugh.
" Shut up!" Reggie says.
"Were gonna go y'all have fun"
Flynn says winking at reggie as he turns red,
Julie can't help but giggle as she shuts the window.
" Luke totally is into you." Flynn says laughing.
" You really think so?"
" I know so look at how he looks at you Girl."
Julie smiles looking down.
" Oh my god i know what we have to do!"
" What?!"
" Google them find out everything we can about the mysterious sunset curve barn members."
" Yess your a genius Flynn."
They google sunset Curve and a picture of them pops up they look exactly the same.
Julie busts out laughing as flynn reads the second line.
" Shut up its Kinda cute in a dorky way" Flynn says
"Ok future mrs. Reginald"
They bust out laughing as the google pictures of them on insta finding out they now have multiple fan accounts and the amount of people who are in love with Luke is surprisingly high.
" Dang all the girls love luke" Flynn says as julie rolls her eyes.
"Yeah, Yeah Whatever."
Julie rolls her eyes annoyed
" Aw is someone getting Jealous."
" What no of course not."
" Yes you so totally are."
" So what if i am?"
" I Knew it!"
Julie smiles as she started straightening her hair for a change as she got ready!

Chapter 10 will be up soon! It's about to get interesting y'all. I don't want to reveal to much but in the next few chapters you will find out how The boys are alive & How Luke deals with Carrie and Nick, as well as a special performance.

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