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I was asked to post what Luke's car looks like and while i was writing i pictured something like this, If you've seen Supernatural that's where i pulled inspiration from! baby_facejj

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I was asked to post what Luke's car looks like and while i was writing i pictured something like this, If you've seen Supernatural that's where i pulled inspiration from! baby_facejj

Julie and Flynn we're finally ready after 2 hours of getting their hair and make up done.
" Oh my god i'm so excited."
" Well i'm so nervous"
" Julie he like's you you have nothing to be nervous about."
" Really!"
" For the hundredth time yes he would do anything for you besides you too are destined to be together."
Knock Knock
Flynn and Julie exchanged looks before answering.
"Come in"
The door open and the blonde haired boy appeared.
" You guys look stunning" Alex said smiling.
" Thanks Alex." Julie said hugging him.
" Your dates are downstairs."
They look at each other smiling.
" I have one thing to say before you go though," He says looking at Julie.
" I'll head downstairs" Flynn says.
" Yeah what is it?" Julie asked curiously.
" I wanted to say Though i tease him about you guys being together, I'm glad you and Luke have each other I met Luke when we were 9, This is the happiest i've seen him since that christmas his first guitar."
Julie blushed looking down.
" Now come on you got a dance to get to."
Julie walks down the stairs with Alex by her side.
Julie looks to see Flynn and Reggie talking while luke laughs slightly making fun of reggie.
Luke looks her way as she makes her way to the last step. He can't help but admire how beautiful she looks. "Hi" He says grinning ear to ear. "Hi" She says smiling.
" Alright y'all need to get going" Alex says smiling at the new couples in the room.
" He's right"
" Are you sure you don't want to come?" Julie asks feeling bad for her friend,
" Yes i'm fine i will probably goin a walk or something maybe eat a street dog."
everyone busts out laughing.
" Kidding of course, Anyways go have fun,"
" Ok Let's go" Reggie says.
They walk outside as reggie jumps into the convertible smiling.
" What are you doing" Luke asks.
" Driving, if i can find the keys." Reggie says looking around the car. Luke reaches into his pocket holding the keys up as Julie laughs. "Hey you found them thanks buddy" Reggie says reaching for them as luke snatches them away.
" You are not driving."
" Why not"
" Spring of 93'You borrowed my four wheel to go impress that girl that lived down the street from you, You left it running and the spark plug caught fire."
"What" Both flynn and Julie exclaimed!
"It was a accident" He said climbing in the back with flynn as julie got in the passenger seat.
This was gonna be a long night.
After a short drive to the school they had made it. Flynn and Reggie first as the went inside as Flynn had brought a bottle of vodka to spike the punch.
While Julie and Luke walked in behind them.
" God I miss high school" Luke said laughing as Julie smiles.
" It's not as fun as you think trust me."
" Yeah i bet."
" So where did you go to high school anyways?"
" Here right here except it wasn't a Fine Arts school back then."
" Yeah, class of 97' The only reason my teachers passed me was cause of football though."
" Wait, You played football." Julie said laughing as she learned something new.
" Yeah I was Captain."
" You never told me that."
" It wasn't a big deal, I bet you didn't know reggie played lacrosse either."
"No actually i didn't, So if you did football and reggie did lacrosse what did Alex do?"
" Theatre."
" That doesn't surprise me one bit."
They both laugh.
" You know I feel like i've known you forever you guys just showed up and even though at the time it freaked me out I'm glad you guys are here."
" I'm glad we are here too, I can't really picture life without you in it Julie ." Luke said smiling.
they both smiled as they started walking towards Reggie and Flynn but, were stopped. " Julie so great to see you!" Carrie says fakely.
Julie ignores her looking down.
" Oh look you brought a date, I'm sure it took a lot to convince him though," " Come on let's go." He said to Julie as she couldn't bring herself to look at him.
They start to walk away when Carrie laughs "Aw look Pathetic little Julie, God i bet he doesn't even like her" She says to her friend. Luke looks at her before doing something un expected,
He Kisses her, As Carrie storms off.

Next chapter will be a lil different 💛I haven't started yet so it might be a day or two til it's up!!!

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