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Hour after hour passed and the couple couldn't wait any longer

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Hour after hour passed and the couple couldn't wait any longer. Finally the truth would come out and the people who got exposed are getting their payback.

But there was sadly still one subject left.

Y/N sighed heavily,which got noticed by her boyfriend who was drawing circles in his notebook.

„Are you alright?" He asked, a worried face expression was plastered on his face as the girl chuckled because of his worrisome.

„Yeah, I am just...nervous you know what I mean?" She replied as he nodded.

Time went on. Jay tried to focus as much as possible, however he always gets easily distracted and this time he did something unexpected. He secretly eyes his girlfriend who had no clue and painted her in his notebook.

„Jay, are you even focusing?" Y/N asked in a whisper tone, taking the boy off guard.

„Uh...of course" He answered, scratching his nape.

Y/N chuckled and focused on the on going class again.It was pretty boring,Jay tried not to fall asleep and for the two other friends, they were talking about how bad the cafeteria's food was. Pretty much no one really listened to the class.

{time skip}

‚Only 5 minutes' Jay thought. With each minute left,he got more and more nervous.

While Sunghoon quietly listened to the teacher, Nicholas continued to death glare at Yeojin, Hyeongjun and Minhee. Yeojin and Hyeongjun were scared to death while Minhee rolled his eyes.

„Minhee really is something else" Nicholas whispered to Sunghoon while shaking his head.

„Huh?" Sunghoon looked confused at Nicholas.

„Nevermind" Nicholas simply replied.

It felt like time passed slowly or probably the boring teacher again. The teens waited and waited.

,2 minutes' Jay bite his nails anxiously, just looking at the clock made his heart beat faster.

But why is Jay like this? That's normally not him, however the fear that it could be someone he knows or even one his own friends was big. After all Yeojin was one of Y/N's closest friends and look at her now. Being betrayed by your own friend is another kind of pain.

It didn't go unexpected and Y/N gently patted his shoulder, smiling softly at him.

„Don't worry to much Jay,I am sure it's not someone from our friends group"


‚1 Minute' The boy looked at the clock, his heart was about to explode as his girlfriend beside him gently grabbed his hand, squeezing it softly.

✔️𝐌𝐫. 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭| Jay Park| ENHYPEN Where stories live. Discover now