Q & A!

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Hey guys! I'm just going to jump right in!

Here are the questions ya'll sent me. If you didn't get a chance to send me any questions beforehand, you can still comment them and I'll try to add them.

Q: What are your pronouns?

A: I use she/her pronouns (I'm cis-female)

Q: What is your race/ethnicity?

A: I'm Latina! I speak fluent Spanish and English

Q: Favourite TV show?

A: Animated TV show : The Owl House | Live-action TV show : The X-Files | Anime : BNHA

Q: What's your favourite movie?

A: Animated movie : Zootopia | Live-action movie : Knives Out

Q: Who are your two favorite characters in Carmen Sandiego?

A: Hmm, favourite two? Julia's my absolute favourite, but along with her, I'd say Carmen or Ivy

Q: Favorite book?

A: My favourite book series is the Market of Monsters series by Rebecca Schaffer

Q:Are you in any book fandoms?

A: yes, I'm in a couple. Most of them aren't really that popular but one that I'm sure is recognizable by everyone is the Harry Potter fandom

Q: What are some of your favorite things to write about?

A: I love writing about characters, I'm actually working on some original stories right now. I also love writing fanfics about my favourite shows!

Q: What's one thing that makes you really happy every time you see/hear it?

A: This might seem stupid but one thing that makes me really happy is when people understand how I feel without having to explain it too much. I'm one of those people who's pretty bad with words when they're not written (as weird as that sounds)

Q: Favourite Food?

A: Sushi

Q: Favourite Colour?

A: Navy Blue!

Here are some extra questions I'm throwing in just for the heck of it:

Q: What's your sexual orientation?

A: I'm a lesbian

Q: Favourite artist and/or band?

A: My favourite song artist is TheFatRat and my favourite band is Queen

Q: Hogwarts House?

A: Slytherin/Ravenclaw

Q: Favourite genre of books?

A: Anything that's horror, thriller, sci-fi, supernatural, mystery, or fantasy

Q: What shows/movies/books do you recommend?
A: I definitely recommend The Market of Monsters series I mentioned before if you like a good thriller/supernatural novel. As for movies, Knives Out is amazing, I highly recommend it. And basically any show from my bio (except for a few) are amazing and are definitely worth watching.

Thank you guys so much for supporting this fic, Ilysm and I'll see y'all next chapter this weekend.

~ xoxo Indie

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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