Back in prison

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Elizabeth was quick to see that things were not as it should.

"What is it? What's going on? Did Neal run?"

Peter sank down on the couch, dropping his coat beside him. He felt deadly tired.

"El, Neal is back in prison."

"So he ran?"

"No. He was going to leave with Kate. It was all legal. I caught up with him before he got to the plane where Kate was waiting for him. Then the plane exploded."

"Then... Kate..."

"Yeah," Peter nodded. "Kate is dead."

"Oh God, Neal must be devastated! And you put him back in prison!?"

"No hon, I didn't. It wasn't my call," Peter defended himself. "But he is a convicted felon serving time. While this is investigated, it's the most agreeable thing to do."

"I have to see him! They have visiting hours have they not?"

"They do." He smiled at Elizabeth. She had a good heart and it was a good thing she showed Neal that she cared.

There was a rapid hard knock on the door. They exchanged a look. They did not expect someone. El went to open.

"Hello, Mrs. Suit. You've got Mr. Suit here, I suppose."

And then an upset Mozzie marched inside.

"Is it true that Kate is dead and you put Neal back in prison for it?"

"Kate is dead," Peter confirmed. "And Neal is in prison, for now. And it wasn't my call." Peter wondered if it was a good sign that he felt he needed to defend himself, to tell it wasn't his decisions.

"Neal would never kill Kate, Suit, you know that."

"I know that."

He rose for no other cause than that he felt small compared to Mozzie when he sat on the low sofa.

"So Neal's documents were forged after all? They weren't legal? And I confirmed to him they were legit!"

"Relax, Mozzie. They were legal."

"So why is Neal back in prison?"

"Because a plane exploded, killing Kate and the pilots—"

"Neal didn't do that!" Mozzie yelled.

"—and Neal is a convicted felon serving time!" Peter fought to keep his temper where it belonged. "Since he is a prison inmate, it is where he goes when he gets involved in a possible crime, while it is investigated. Like it or not, but that's the way it is."

He glared at Mozzie, waiting for the next argument. It didn't come.

Mozzie nodded.

"Alright. We live in a totalitarian state without legal rights, obviously, but you will get him out again?"

"If I can, yes."

"If you can?"

"Mozzie," Peter sighed. "The deal he had, it vanished. There is hardly any proof it even existed. It may look like he tried to run."

"And then he'll be back for good," Mozzie whispered.

Peter nodded.

Neal sat on the floor of his cell. He was placed in isolation for his own protection. He had got a pile of books and a proper bed at least. Was this what prison life would be like from now on?

White Collar - as an unofficial novel - part 6Where stories live. Discover now