Behind the smile

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From Peter's room, Neal watched a whole bunch of suits arrive to the White Collar office. Miss Renee Simmons guided them to the conference room next door, and then knocked on Peter's door frame.

Peter waved for her to enter.

"They're all here," she told them.

He rose and swung on his suit jacket and adjusted his tie.

"Let's go then," he smiled at Neal and walked ahead of them into the conference room.

"Morning, gentlemen," he began at once, even before Neal had followed Simmons inside. "All Midtown Mutual banks have similar layouts and use the same security system. Miss Renee Simmons...

"Gentlemen," she greeted them.

"...Who is in charge of all security for your branches," Peter continued without catching a breath, "requested that we conduct a test on that security."

"Would you please tell us why this is necessary?" one of the gents around the table asked, eager to get to the point.

"We found several flaws." Peter turned to Neal and gave him a nod.

Neal tried not to give them all a smug grin when he placed his briefcase on the table.

"Hi." He opened the case and showed them the stacks of money. "That's a lot of money. Basement access let me bypass the metal detectors at the entrances. The teller cages are nicely protected, but your employees need to be more vigilant. Also, the staff should wear their access badges around their neck, not clipped to their waist... It makes them too easy to lift. And the old dye packs you're using are way too easy to spot. And, guys, the passcodes need to change daily, not weekly."

He closed the case and pushed it out on the table. Unfortunately, he would not get it as a bonus.

"Each of you have received a card like this," Peter said and held up a simple but elegant business card in an evidence bag, "in the past week from someone calling himself The Architect."

Peter had shown it to him the same day when they met back in the office before the bank managers arrived. It just said 'The Architect' with an elegant, special A.

"We believe this is the same person who has hit banks in Dallas, Chicago, and Boston," Peter told the assembled. "If he's operating under the same MO, one of your vaults will be emptied within a week. That's why it's necessary. So let's strategize."

"We'll start changing codes daily," one of the managers said.

"And change so they keep their access cards around their necks instead," another filled in. And so it continued. Peter glanced at Renee Simmons.

"That'll be all for now, gentlemen," she said. "I think you get the picture. I'll send you instructions."

As the managers left the three of them walked back into his handler's office.

"That went great," Neal said to Peter.

"I'm sure they'll sleep soundly tonight," he grinned back.

"So, what do I tell them when they start to panic?" Renee Simmons asked.

"Tell them that we're shoring up their security and that the Bureau is on it."

"Did that help in Dallas, Chicago, and Boston?" the woman asked.

"This is New York," Peter pointed out. "We'll catch him."

"I hope so," she nodded but did not seem to believe the agent for a second. She swung round on her high heels and left.

White Collar - as an unofficial novel - part 6Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin