Bad cop, good criminal

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Neal arrived at the office with two cups of coffee, the good stuff, from the best place in town on the way to work. He saw Peter sitting in deep thought by his desk and walked inside.

"Good morning." When Peter lifted his head from his hand Neal saw that it was not 'deep thought' that had colored his handler's face. "You look exhausted." He placed one of the cups on Peter's desk.

"Oh, I don't sleep well when Elizabeth's out of town."

"Well, if her company keeps taking off the way it is," Neal said as he took off his hat and sat down where he has not supposed to sit, "you can retire early and become a house husband." Would not happen, but Neal was pleased that he seemed to have mended the destruction he had caused.

"Because when you look at me, you see soap operas and light housework?"

Neal noted a TV in the room.

"What are we watching?"

"Our new case," Peter said and turned on the TV. "Potentially corrupt politician." Neal stared at the footage. "You need a moment to recover?"

"I might, actually. Gary Jennings, state senator."

"You've heard of him?"

Neal sent his handler a glare. Just because he was no longer allowed to vote in the so-called democracy he lived in, it did not mean that he had lost all interest.

"I am politically aware. He's popular. Even Mozzie voted for him."

"Mozzie votes?"

Why would he not? Mozzie was not a convict. He probably did not use his real name but he was legally allowed to vote.

"More often than you'd think. Or would approve of."

He took the remote control from Peter and turned the sound on.

"Why did you get into politics, Mr. Jennings?" someone asked the innocent-looking smiling man.

"Well, you know, I didn't plan to. I wanted to be a carpenter."

"Jesus was a carpenter," Neal sighed.

"Yeah, he's subtle," Peter grinned.

"But then I realized that my talents were better suited," Jennings continued, "to helping build America's future with words and ideas rather than brick and mortar. That's where I find my inspiration."

Peter took the remote back and turned the TV off.

"Well, his assistant," he said and pointed to a man with his back to them out in the office, "thinks that he's illegally funneling money into his campaign."

"Don't tell Mozzie."

"We've had our eye on Jennings for a while. So far, nothing has stuck. But this could be our in. You want to join a political campaign?"

He saw that Peter figured him just right for the job. And he had a gut feeling that Peter was right.

"What do I have to do?"

"Let's figure that out."

Peter called for the man waiting down in the office and they walked into the conference room.

"Dylan Ledding, right?" Peter asked as he showed the man to a seat. The man nodded. Neal sat down opposite, while Peter took the short side. "I'm Special Agent Peter Burke, and this is my consultant, Neal Caffrey."

"Pleased to meet you," Dylan said giving them a nervous smile.

"Can you tell us in your own words why you're here?"

White Collar - as an unofficial novel - part 6Where stories live. Discover now