Untill we meet again

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She snapped at me . She told me she's useless and broke . And said something about a step mother . I need to find out what she means by that . I have to . I don't know who she is but I like her . As crazy as that sounds I really like her . She has beautiful brown eyes and the most soft looking plump lips applied with clear gloss when I looked into those beautiful eyes I felt peace . I've never felt peace looking into a girls eyes but inside her eyes it was peace . They also look empty. Emotionless. she looks numb . She looks tired . Just like how my mom looked when she was being abused . I need her . Destiney . I need to see why she's like this . I need to see why she is hurt . Her face . She looks like she puts loads of makeup on . Is she hiding something ? What is she covering up ?I will find out . She's covering her body .Why can't I see her skin ?Was she abused like me ? Is she being abused? I need to know and I will torture and kill whoever is hurting my true love. "Woah Quincy that was possessive" I mumbled to my self "what is happening to me" i mumbled again ,as I walked into the school and into my my first class, algebra 2 then I saw her . The beautiful hidden girl that make my heart warm . I need her . But how do I get her to trust me ? She gazed at me as I gazed at her . Does she feel love too? I need to get to her . I will get to her .

A/N SORRY THIS CHAPTER IS SO SHORT THIS IS JUST QUINCYS POV FOR RN. His povs will be longer throughout this book .please vote and read and comment give me advice I'm a 14 year old writer 💕 if I have any typos or anything please let me know I will fix them if they are bothering you .

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