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tw// my opinion

imagine still thinking hippies r weirdos on drugs
imagine still thinking that all lives matter when black lives haven't mattered for years
imagine still thinking keeping children in cages is ok for the country
imagine still being homophobic in 2020
imagine still thinking that you can say the f slur and the d slur (f*g, d*ke) even if you "have a gay/lesbian friend"
imagine still saying the n word if you are very white (i'm looking at you baguette man)
imagine still being ablest when people with disabilities have proved they can do some cool shit that you probably can't do
imagine still thinking that all women are dishwashers who are just there for your convenience
imagine still being mad when you have a daughter and you were hoping for a son
imagine still being a general douchebag
imagine still thinking that conversion therapy is a good thing  (it is horrible)
imagine still thinking that "it's just a phase sweetie"
imagine still thinking you can invalidate people
imagine "disagreeing with the lifestyle" when you're actually just homophobic
imagine having to be a woman/girl, fearing for your life and innocence whenever you step outside at dusk
imagine being an african american, fearing for your life whenever you go for a stroll on the town
imagine being a [insert any sexuality or gender here] person, fearing for your life just for showing pride in who you are
imagine being a father, abusing your daughter because you wanted a son
imagine being a parent, not accepting your child for who they are
imagine thinking all women don't have any say in what they do with their bodies
imagine body shaming people
imagine being a bitch

anyways fuck cops

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