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Katie was Blue's more supportive friend than Rose. When Blue met Katie in the eighth grade, Rose was not happy; When she and Katie met. Katie had a real bad vibe from Rose, but decided to not say anything, When they had a sleepover and Blue went downstairs to get snacks. Rose started to reveal blue's dark secrets or what blue told her and Katie just listened and didn't say anything. The one thing that made Katie assumption right was when Rose said, " Blue is a little **** who always keeps getting the guys and I hate it; She just putting up an act that she's shy and a hermit crab just to get the guys." Katie just watched Rose in disgust and when Blue came back, Rose acted friendly and Katie didn't like that.

While Katie and Blue woke up in the morning while Rose was snoring- I meant sleeping, The two girls headed downstairs to quietly watch tv, Blue fixed some pancakes as they talked about school and other things. Katie made Blue laugh more than once with her silliness and jokes and talked about natural hair struggles and people issues towards earth. "Why are you still friends with Rose?" Katie asked out of the blue, That's when Blue's smile turned upside down;" Because she was my only friend growing up so she knows everyone in High school and she kinda the stereotypical popular kid so even if I wanted to stop, I think she would make it the worse three years of my life." Blue put her attention on the mixture of pancake dough. "Oh I understand now, You're scared of her." Blue turned around in shock," I'm- I'm not scared of her okay? She's been my best friend since childhood and it would be hard to go to school without talking to her or even ignoring her. She was there for me when no one else was and could tell me who was the bully to the nice queens." Katie shook her head," Blue; I wasn't trying to be mean or call you out, I was just saying that Rose will end up controlling your life if you let her and I know you're shy and everything. But even shy people pop out of their shell and speak out once in their lifetime. Rose was talking bad about you last night and even I couldn't believe that. She seemed good at heart, but popular title could have went to her head I don't know." Blue was just listening to Katie," She's a good friend. I know she is." "So you knew how she is Blue and yet you kept being friend with her. What about that girl, Amber, that you told me about? Do you even know her true story or just the lies from Rose?" Blue didn't speak and flipped the last pancake. She set up the table and place two smiley face pancakes on Katie's plate and two smiley on hers. "The only time, I talked with Amber was at the party. Rose introduced to her and for some odd reason; Rose looked happy. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe not; she was happy and nice to me all through the party. So I knew she was good at heart too Katie; she just won't show it after what happened in our childhood." Before Katie could say anything more, Rose stomped down the stairs. "Oh, Are those pancakes?" Rose took Blue's unfinished plate and sat down at the time. She looked up to see Katie and Blue looking at her," What?" Blue got up
To fix her plate of pancakes. "Guess what girls, We are going to Martin's party tonight. This is our last year as eighth grades and we deserve to party." Blue looked hesitant and Rose grabbed her hand smiling," it would be fun right?" Blue gave Rose a tight smile and looked at Katie. "Or we could stay in and watch old 80s movies, I was thinking Sleepless or Goonies."
(Fun fact: I have never watched the Goonies-Author)
Rose rolled her eyes," Boring." Katie sighed," Or maybe the party would be alright." Rose smiled and clapped her hands," Yay!" She looked at Blue," Maybe do something about your hair; I don't know, Straighten it maybe." Blue had flashbacks of her childhood and how it took to grow it back, Blue's mom cussing out loud at Rose's mother as she gently combed her daughter's hair. " I'm sorry, I trusted that woman baby, You shouldn't have felt pressured at all to straighten your hair. it's your choice to straighten or not." Her mother had calmed that triggering memories with her calm voice and gentle hands trying to bring back and grow her natural hair. "No, I'm good Rose." Blue gave her a closed smile and Rose rolled her eyes. "Well I guess I could curly my hair like you guys. I'm 1% percent black too" Katie almost spit out her orange juice and forced a laugh out," Girl, No! Be thankful we are going to a party with you." Rose got up placing her plate up top of Blue's plate; "Whatever gurl", she tried to mimic Katie slang and went up the stairs. Blue and Katie looked at each other and laughed, Katie mocked Rose and Blue was smiling again.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, let me know your thoughts-S

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