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"Don't be nervous. It's going to be fine!"

Samantha did her best to refrain from rolling her eyes at her aunt's 'encouraging' words. She knew she was just trying to reassure her but she just wanted to feel anxious and nervous now so when she went in for her interview she'd felt everything and could focus on the task at hand.

Her uncle came into the small kitchen, chuckling in a deep voice that reminded her of her fathers. "Of course everything is going to be fine!" He echoed his wife's words. "Sam is one hell of a writer. That Drew fellow be an idiot to pass on her." He took a seat next to Samantha at the table and picked up the newspaper.
It was a routine that Samantha could imagine clearly in her mind. Every morning they all get up and get ready for the day. But before anyone left the house they'd all sit in the kitchen and have breakfast that was prepared by her aunt Riona.

"Uncle Cillian! Please don't jinx this for me," she knocked her knuckles against the table. " It's only an internship. I doubt I'd be writing anything."

"Nonsense! This is just one step towards your dream. Just watch and see." Her aunt announced as she placed a plate of eggs, potatoes, and toast in front of her. She watched as her aunt Riona elegantly made her way back to the stove to retrieve her uncle Cillian's breakfast as well as her own. It was like she was dancing and twirling through the tiny kitchen and to her chair next to her uncle. She reached over and squeezed his hand that was holding the paper he was reading. When she did that he folded the paper down and blew a kiss her way. She smiled and wink at him before tucking into her breakfast.

"Hurry up and eat, Sam. Your brother said that he'd wait for you at the studio entrance," she smiled as she took a bite of toast.

"Shawn called?" Samantha perked up at the mention of her brother. She didn't get to see him that often. The two had been sent to America together after their father drank himself to death leaving them without family or guardians. When they had arrived stateside Shawn was just of legal age but didn't have a job yet. Which meant he couldn't be the one to hold responsibility for his little sister. Thankfully their father had a brother living in New York that they could stay with when they arrived in America. Shawn had managed to land a job at Joey Drew Studios in the toy department a month later. Shawn had always been an amazing artist and to see him demoted to a mere toy maker was sad at first but he enjoyed his job; or so he told her every time she asked if he was happy at Heavenly Toys. She could see that he was not only trying to convince her but himself when he said he was happy. She never pushed him into telling her the truth about his feelings. If he wanted to tell her she felt he would eventually.
Applying for the internship at Joey Drew Studios wouldn't just help her in maybe one day achieving her goal of being an actual writer for cartoons but it seemed to be an opportunity to see more of her brother.

"No sweetie, he came by yesterday," she said meekly as she took a sip of her coffee.

Uncle Cillian quickly closed the paper, "He came here?"
Her uncle wasn't Shawn's biggest fan. A while after acquiring the job at the studio he moved out. After some time of working at the studio Shawn started showing similarities to their father. Their uncle and aunt loved them both equally but they couldn't stand some of the choices Shawn made. Drinking being the main one. Samantha didn't like it either. She had memories of how alcohol affected their home life before coming to America. Every time she asked him why he did it his answer was always the same, 'You'd understand if you had a boss like mine.'
She knew it was an excuse and a lame one at that. Samantha could always tell when Shawn was lying but never questioned it. Shawn knew deep down that his drinking upset her and even though he'd always promised to never be like their father he still continued to drink. Samantha hoped that his fate would be different then their father.

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