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(⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ Mentions of alcohol and family drama.)

Eyes wide Samantha walked up the steps leading to the office area of Heavenly Toys. Miles had left her to hopefully make their last delivery. She found the gofer endearing and wanted to get to know them better and become friends. If she got the internship knowing someone other than her brother would make working at Joey Drew Studios better.

At the top of the stairs she met someone making their way down. "Excuse me," she said softly.

The person walking down looked up at her with a smile, "Yes, how can I help you?"

Samantha nodded, "Do you know where I can find Shawn Flynn's office."

They politely responded yes and gave her clear and simple directions on how to get to her brother's office. After thanking them for their help she waved and headed in the direction of Shawn's office. It didn't take her long to find the right door. Shawn's office door was open slightly and she could hear him mumbling to himself. Samantha knew that she should have knocked before going in but she wanted to hear what he was saying.
When Shawn still lived with their Aunt and Uncle he would sit at the kitchen table and draw. He would have pens and pencils sprawled out all over the table and crumpled up rejected attempts at his feet. He tended to fixate on the task before him and drown out any outside noise with his inner voice commenting and critiquing his work.

Samantha carefully pushed the door open as quietly as she could. Hoping that to this day that Shawn still blocked out any subtle sound around him. Aunt Riona would laugh every time she would walk into the kitchen and begin working on supper by placing a heavy pan on the stove making a loud banging sound making Shawn jump out of his chair and let out a shriek. Doing her best to muffle her laughter she stepped inside his office and saw him sitting at a desk towards the back of the room facing towards the wall. Stealthily she crept her way towards him listening carefully to what he was mumbling under his breath.

"I don't be seein' what the big deal is," Shawn mumbled. His accent was more noticeable. Samantha knew that as a sign that he was annoyed or frustrated about something. After fights and shouting matches with their uncle his accent  would come out and be thick.

She decided it was best to make herself known, "Shawn?"

They might as well have been in Aunt Riona's kitchen with crashing pots and pans with how he reacted. Shawn jumped out of his chair dropping his inky paint brush on the floor while thick sheets of paper flew into the air. Samantha couldn't help her laughter and almost fell to her knees she was laughing so hard. Once Shawn got over the fright he just experienced he stared at his younger sister laughing so much that she began gasping for air.

"Samantha Flynn!" He scolded. "It's called knockin' ya lil' sneak!"

Samantha did her best to stop laughing but him scolding her by using her name just made it funnier. Sure Samantha saw him as an authority figure. He was the one that practically raised her after their mother died and their father turned to the bottle for solace. But Shawn never tried to be her father. He always reminded her that they were siblings and that the respect of a father was something he didn't deserve. She always argued that he did but he wouldn't hear of it.
Once she caught her breath and regained some composure she walked carefully avoiding the paper and ink on the floor to help her brother up. Apologetically she said as she gave him her hand to take, "I'm sorry, big brother. I didn't mean to scare you."

Standing up right and dusting off his pants he looked at her unconvinced of her true intentions. "Sure ya, didn't."

"Seriously, Shawn, I'm really sorry." Her lip slightly pouted.

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