The Early Bird Is Weird

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When I woke up I saw that the only thing both of us were wearing was the clothes we had under our current outfits, and Gowthers shirt! "AAAAAAAH GOWTHER WHY AREN'T YOU WEARING ANY PANTS!" His eyes slit open the go wide. "AAAAAAAAAH I DON'T KNOW WHY AREN'T YOU WEARING A SHIRT OR PANTS!" Gowther says while once again having a nose bleed. All the sudden we both hear the door open and inside comes in Meliodas with both of our clothes. "WHY DID YOU TAKE OUR CLOTHES!?" We both yell. "Because when I came in after hearing crying, I saw a cute young couple that needed a push into romance. The early bird gets the worm." I take the closest book to me and throw it at him as we both yell "PERVERT!" He hands us both back our clothes with a large bump on his head. We both get changed and head downstairs. Everyone comes up to me and says they heard everything last night and then they get this I'm here for gossip look and ask what happened. "Nothing, why do you ask?" And then they walk away mumbling.

"I'm going to continue my travels as soon as Detiny gets here." "Detiny? I feel like I've heard that name somewhere." I look at King. "Well I'm sure you have, You are the fairy king after all. Detiny is a fairy who is said to be a recolor of Gloxinia. Even though he's not. He's not even related to him. But anyways, His mother was birthed from a demon and a fairy and his dad was a god. So he is called the fairy with three forms. His emotions shift drastically and easily. When he's just normal nothing happens and he has this leaf blade. When he gets mad or sad he can turn into pure evil with this odd mark on his neck and his blade turns into a black and green flaming trident. When he feels the need to protect he gets a mark under his eye and he gets a beautiful spear that's blue and white. It's pretty cool. And he just so happens to be my best friend." He looks like he's in awe. All the sudden a knock on the door. "I bet that's him!" I open the door and yup I was right. "Hey Y/N." "Detiny!"  run up and hug him. "Whoa! Is that the fairy king!?" He bows. "It's a pleasure to meet you..." He stands up and puts his hand behind his head like he always does when he's embarrassed. "considering I haven't seen you since I was like five and I honestly don't remember. But you probably don't remember either."

"Weren't you that kid who always hid in the shadows constantly used a leaf blade to stab trees and had a grudge against humans and was considered a killer when you were really young?" He looks down. "Yup, tha-that was me. I couldn't control my anger so I was constantly in my "evil" state. They killed my parents when I was three." King looks at Detiny with sadness in his eyes. Detiny perks up like nothing happened just like that. "Anyway, me and Y/N should probably get going." "Are you going to just walk or are you going to take off your cape?" "Oh right." He takes off his cape and two multi colored wings pop out. One is yellow that fades into light blue and then into white. The other is orange that fades into red and then black. "I-I've never seen wings like that before." King looks worried and intimidated. "Okay? Well let's get going." All the sudden the mark appears on his neck. He hold his hand up and his trident comes flying. "Shall we, milady?" "Call me that again and I'll make sure you never say a single last word throughout  your painful death. And yes, we shall." I hop on the trident like it's a surfboard and then we're off.

Mind Tricks (Gowther x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang