I See

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"Yeah, Gowther, I know you can be... watchful, but I've never seen you do that. So why?" "I got your note and I got help from Merlin so I could meet you guys here." He seemed sad and nervous. I run up and hugs him. " Awww! You care a lot." He flinches but eventually he hugs back. He takes us to the Inn he's staying at. "There are only two beds. I'm sorry." "It's okay Gowther. I'll just lay with you." I say. "NO WAY!" "Huh? Detiny is something wrong?" Gowther has this angry and annoyed look on his face, almost like he's giving a warning to Detiny. And it seems to be working, because Detiny looks intimidated.

"Guys, you can do your manly fighting later, let's just go to bed." "Hmph, fine Y/N." Says Detiny smugly. I lay down with Gowther and once again sneak into his shirt with him. He puts his arms around me. After a while Detiny fell asleep. But me and Gowther couldn't sleep. "It felt like an eternity being away from you, Y/N." "Heh. You know that's not true." He does the same thing he did that last time I snuck into his shirt where there's nothing but skin. He's on top of me in his shirt now. "But it is!" His voice is loud but quiet enough to not wake Detiny. His face seems sad but happy to be with me again.

"I couldn't stand not hearing your voice! I wasn't able to see you!" He hold me close to his chest and gently drags his hands along my back. "Not being able to feel your skin, your touch, your body." My face goes red. "Huh!? Hm... heh heh." I hold onto him. "I need you Y/N." I put my hand on his cheek and pull his head toward my chest. "I need you too. I need to hear your voice too. I need to feel you." He looks at me with his eyes wide. His face turns red. He gets a smug smile on his face and his eyes go calm. "So you need to feel..." "Hm?" "This." He begins to kiss my neck. "Heh heh. Gowther stop it." I'm giggling quietly.

"Hm..." "Heh Gowther." He begins to pull the shoulder of my shirt down. "Heh heh." I continue to laugh until his hand faintly grasps my neck and he kisses the front of my neck. "G-Gowther." He looks at me with a confused and understanding face. "Your heart race rises when I do that. Do you enjoy that Y/N?" He does the same thing again. "Gah." "It seems so." He was just about to do it again when all the sudden he gets pulled out of the shirt. "Huh?" I turn to my side. Detiny is holding shirtless Gowther. He throws him against one of the walls. "Detiny stop!" I get up. "I never want to see you touching Y/N like that again!" He's kicking Gowther in the stomach. Gowther start puking up just a bit of blood! "Detiny stop! I... I let him!" He turns his head over to me. "Don't try to cover the truth!" "Y-Y-Y/N." Gowther says weakly. He was about to make another hit until I run in front of Gowther's weak, fallen body.

"Detiny, please stop!" He looks at me. "Why are you protecting HIM! Protect yourself for once, Y/N!" "Please! I care about him!" Tears are in my eyes. "U-uh... fine. I'll let him off, just this once." "L-let's go back to bed.'' I pick up Gowther's weak body but the moment he's back on his feet "I'm fine." He doesn't seem hurt by it at all. We lay back down and go to sleep.

Mind Tricks (Gowther x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now