Hanako ... are you there ?

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I felt an ice chilly breeze on the back of my neck and felt shivers fall down my spine , I spun my head quickly behind me just to be looking back at the bathroom wall . How weird I thought to myself but I was determined to find out where Kou was so I didn't let this distract me ! "Where's Kou! Tell me now!" I shouted waving my arms aimlessly in the air . "Whoa ... calm down there ." I heard the voice say back to me "Show yourself !" I exclaimed yet again . Finally I saw a short boy step out of the shadows looking intensely at me , he sighed and asked me what I needed from him . Full of rage and confusion from the sudden disappearance of Kou I snapped saying " Oh you know , what did you do with him ? I know he was trying to exorcise you! What did you do?!" The ghost boy stood there in confusion as I if I was speaking a completely different language. I soon realised to myself this apparition had no recollection of what I blabbering on about . He sat me down , introduced himself and asked me to explain the situation as he could tell I wasn't in the right mindset and was flustered.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down as to what had happened to Kou . At first Hanako asked me why I didn't just report the disappearance to a teacher or the authorities , I thought hard for a second and remembered that no body else knew who he was , I expressed this to Hanako and he looked back at me with wide eyes . "I haven't heard of this before ... maybe a new apparition?" Hanako muttered to himself deep in thought . I got the hint that this was a new situation and it was probably a new trouble making apparition ...

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