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Me and Theodosia went into my room. We decided to sleep on my bed since we're a couple anyway. For a while, we just cuddle in silence. "Angie?" "Yeah, Theo?" "Are you okay? You seem quiet." I sigh and roll over to face her. "It's about Philip. I wish he didn't always put me first. He got it worse with Blake, yet he was more worried about what Rosalina did to me. Eacker almost killed him, but he cared about me when he was definitely hurt worse. I know it's because he cares, I just want him to be happy too sometimes, instead of always putting himself last."

Theo pulled me closer. "I know. It just he said you guys only had each other after your parents death, so he just wants to look after you. Maybe for him that's always putting you first." I kiss Theo on the cheek. "You're right."

I just wanted to write a short chapter from Angie's POV

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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