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Seojuns pov - 3 weeks later

Okay I am kind of nervous right now, why? Because it's the first time I won't be wearing foundation over my tattoos, let's see what they say...

By they I didn't mean the boys I mean't Stays, I waited behind the others as our manager gave us a quick announcement of a comeback we will be starting on. "Yes manager-nim~" I said loudly and smiled, "Alright let's go!" He called out, we all walked up onto the stage to see a crowd of Stays waving some banners and phones around, on their phones were either names of their bias or "i love stray kids" or "i love bias name". I spotted some that had my name and I enjoyed seeing it, to the point I didn't notice Hyunjin had stopped - bumping into him and stepping back quickly. "Sorry sorrryyy" I said and he looked round at me with a small smile. 

We said our group greeting to the fans and then moved to sit behind the long table, I sat at the end beside Jisung. Stays lined up and waited patiently but loudly to come up and take the seats in front of us so we could sign their photo albums or photo cards of us. The photos were from our recent variety show that introduced me, I stared over to the first fan who started with Chan, then she came down one by one until she was in front of me. 

"Seojunnie can I hold your hands?" she asked with a cute wide smile, "Of course you can princess" I blurted out the 'princess' part but she seemed to like it so oh well, I held my hands up and leaned my elbows onto the table, she slid her hands into mine and I gently rested my fingers over her knuckles whilst hers were over mine. She looked down and gasped, "That's so pretty~" she said, looking down to my wrist tattoo with a smile. "Thank you~ What's your name?" I asked and she pulled one hand away so she could pulled her cards out, I let go of her hands and took my pen. "It's Park Bitna" she said with a giggle, I wrote her name on the card then my autograph. 

"Next!" The manager called out, Bitna got up and waved me goodbye before walking away, I smiled and looked towards my next fan, it went on like that for almost 2 hours. By the time we were all finished we leaned back and sighed out, feeling happy but exhausted. "Home time!~" Chan said loudly and it made us all stand up, "Let's goooo" Seungmin stretched out and bumped his hand on Minhos chin, we made our way off stage to where the stylists were and let them wipe our sweat away. 


I went straight to my room and kicked off my shoes then stripped down to my boxers, too tired to give a damn about pyjamas. I dropped down onto my bed and pulled the covers over me with a comfortable sigh. "Seojun" I heard Hyunjins voice so I turned onto my side and looked up at him, "Yes hyung?" I asked then he sat down and put his hand onto my chin, "Why did you hide them until now?" He questioned, "I don't know I guess that I felt embarrassed to show them so soon I know they aren't a big deal but a lot of people get judged over small things like tattoos" I explained and he nodded his head. 

"That's true if you had them on show then I'd of thought you was hard to get close to, you know like a-" "You see? That's what I wanted to avoid, please go I want to sleep" I rolled my eyes and turned onto my stomach, resting my head on its side to face the wall with my arms under my pillow. "Seojun I didn't mean i-" "I'm tired" I reminded in annoyance, "Seoj-" "Oh for god sake" I sat up and walked around him, then out of the room and into the others room. 

"Oh Seojun?" I heard Changbin question, seeing as he was the only one in the room and in his bed I wondered over to him tiredly and got into his bed too, pulling the covers over us and facing him. "Hyunjin was being annoying so is it okay if I nap here?" I asked "Of course want a sleep well kiss?" he asked and smiled, "No-" "Too bad" he grabbed my face and kissed at my cheek, I didn't mind it all too much, I just rested after that and closed my eyes. 

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