What Happened Next

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Next thing I knew I was in his bed a little startled of what would happen next he asked me if he could OMG I can't say but I said yes He unzipped his jeans pulled them straight off in a split second then he taken his hoodie off. I liked it though. He undone the buttons on my cardigan I was a little embarrassed since he seen everything, the my skirt was falling down my hips and waist area. Then he ripped off my leggings I was in my Bra and Underwear and the boom I had officially had done it I was moaning his name he said but I could say worse about him and his moan during our time together. As hours flied past us he were completely in love with each over we rolled over back and forth and he done some things I would like not to mention ugh. The I found his cap and I wore it he said it suits me once we had done our stuff not close to and I yelled he forgot to were protection noo he yelled don't tell me we could... we tried to forget about it so I put his clothes on as a joke (Including his underwear) as a laugh, and eventually I had forgotten about everything, the next day, I had stomach cramps so me and Alvin taken a trip to the hospital for a little check for pregnancy he checked everywhere to make sure he scanned, checked and all of that turns out I was we talked about aborting it but then we came to a conclusion not to we are going to keep it, but we found out it was a boy gosh I am going to have a son. Alvin is the dad, I wonder what our siblings will think or should they find out wait they have to find out, uhh we are stuck!

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